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Sunday, January 20, 2019

Auntie Maxine Wants CBS to Assign Black Reporters for 2020

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., said she will continue to press CBS News to assign black reporters to cover the 2020 presidential election.

Waters met with representatives of the network news after first expressing concern on Twitter about the lack of black reporters assigned to cover the White House run.

She had tweeted on Monday: “CBS, the efforts on your website about your support for diversity fly in the face of your display of all of the reporters you've selected for the 2020 campaign. Not one Black. What's up with this? An explanation is needed.”

She followed up that tweet with another on Tuesday night.

More here


  1. Lets hire incompetent over experience because of skin color? Gayle King is black and she works at CBS. What is this shrews point?

  2. I dont even pay attention to the reporters

  3. just a little left hypocrisy.

  4. We tried that experiment for 60 years. Even when giving education and training and a job. They can't but make an ASS of themselves. Just look at OBAMA. Not a citizen. Fake Harvard degree. And a Muslim too boot. No if that isn't the height of BLACL PRIVILEGED.

  5. Does it really matter who's doing the reporting?I'm all for her rabble rousing the networks. See how they like it.Maybe she'll leave Trump alone for awhile.

  6. That idiot does not have the intelligence to realize that maybe there are not that many blacks who qualify as a reporter or even apply for the job. Has she forgot that they complained about people being hired because they were white and now want blacks to be hired because they are black????? Can't fight discrimination with discrimination, moron.

  7. So will we see more whites in the black caucus?

  8. Damn, that is one ugly , nasty, mad, bitchy black woman.

  9. Will we see any whites in BIG Blacks in Government. This does exist in the Federal Government on taxpayers dime. Not fake news.

  10. CBS = Citizen's Biased Station

    CNN = Clinton News Network FACT !!!

  11. Just another one of the poster children for term limits.

  12. Why? That is racist!

  13. Communist Broadcast Station


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