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Sunday, January 20, 2019

The voice of an ignorant generation

The majority of American Millennials identify as socialist, according to surveys by both Reason-Rupe and the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. That’s the bad news. The good news is that just 32 percent of Millennials can define socialism. The frequently-wrong but never-in-doubt freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., may indeed be the voice of her ignorant generation.

During an interview on CBS’s “60 Minutes,” Anderson Cooper asked Ocasio-Cortez, “When people hear the word socialism, they think Soviet Union, Cuba, Venezuela. Is that what you have in mind?” He neglected to mention the vicious socialist regimes of Cambodia, Ethiopia, Poland, Romania, North Korea, and China, among others.

Ocasio-Cortez retorted, “Of course not. What we have in mind—and what of my—and my policies most closely resemble what we see in the U.K., in Norway, in Finland, in Sweden.”

In fact, her economic proposals bear little resemblance to British and Nordic public policy.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s ignorance of economics and foreign affairs typifies her generation. Despite holding expensive degrees in both Economics and International Relations from Boston University, Ocasio-Cortez threw up her hands in exasperation during an interview on Margaret Hoover’s “Firing Line” program, laughing, “I’m not the expert on geopolitics.”




  1. Great Googley Moogley - what Malarkey

  2. This woman is a prime example of how giving a child a series of trophies for just showing up is damaging.

  3. I am sick of hearing about this dumb ass person. Why does she get so much coverage. When President Trump was asked what he thought about this jerk calling him a racist, he replied "who", and went on to another subject.

  4. If brains were explosive she wouldn’t have enough to blow her nose!!!!!!

  5. A vote for Democrats is a vote against America.

  6. Lets hope she doesn't breed
    We know ignorance begets ignorance.

  7. Hey millennials, you are products of public schools and smartphones and couldn't wipe your ### without an app.

  8. Yea and your also not an expert on anything
    What a joke

  9. Can someone please end this 15 minutes of fame please?
    I'm really getting pretty tired of seeing that ugly face

  10. I just thought it was a gun disease commercial.

  11. I believe she could eat corn through a picket fence!


  12. Bartender who allegedly shorted co-workers on tips is now economics expert, according to her! She will need to withstand a primary in a year so her career curve will be interesting. She can cry 'Free crap, free crap" to her heart's content but will have to deliver. Not likely.

  13. Looks like a baracuda.

  14. These are the youth who are taking over this country and will destroy it as it was meant to be. They have no clue of the sacrifices made by our Founding Fathers and reasons behind the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Without them, government grows and controls the masses. You may get health care but you won't have guns to protect yourself and loved ones when hoodlums come around to steal what you have. Just look at Latin American countries where people are fleeing to come here because of the deplorable conditions. That is what socialism leads to with greedy power-hungry people taking over the government. Be warned.

  15. If democrats got their way America would be no more,don't understand whats so hard to see about that.

  16. You can tell that she has the DNA of a Democrat. Look at that face and teet, doesn't it resemble the Jack A$$?


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