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Saturday, December 15, 2018

Warren in College Commencement Speech: ‘I Am Not a Person of Color’

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) lamented the racism of her fellow white Americans Friday in a commencement speech at Morgan State University, a historically black college.

Admitting she is "not a person of color" after years of identifying as Cherokee, Warren focused on her economic message and how it ought to help disadvantaged minorities, theWashington Post reports. At the Baltimore college, she blamed America for failing to open doors for everyone and even overtly harming black people.

"As a country, we need to stop pretending that the same doors open for everyone, because they don’t," Warren said. "I’m not a person of color. And I haven’t lived your life or experienced anything like the subtle prejudice, or more overt harm, that you may have experienced just because of the color of your skin."

Warren released a video earlier this year discussing the pride she has in her Native American ancestry and touting a DNA test result showing she had one Native ancestor 6-10 generations ago. She has seemed to backtrack from her initial message about this finding, which was that it vindicated her claim to being Cherokee in the face of criticism from President Donald Trump and others.



  1. That speaks volumes nothibg but a liar a deceiver that can never be trusted.just like the rest of her ilk on the left. the truths of this world burns their very souls to a hatred for GOD, themselves and you and me.

  2. I'm sorry, the doors of opportunity are open for all. It is the decision of the individual, black, white, yellow, etc to want to go thru them or not. If this is not true, then we wouldn't have any "person of color" doctors, lawyers, Judges, or any other successful "person of color" in this country. Quite simple really if you look past the excuse of the doors of opportunity are not open for me.

  3. Parasites always destroy their host she is parasite.

  4. She should be bounced out on her ear next election, if not sooner. The bum's rush is just right for her.


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