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Saturday, December 15, 2018

Socialist Ocasio-Cortez Has ZERO Answers


  1. Like ha like ha - you know - like ha I'm not a Geo expert but I do worry about the atmosphere. Is she for real.

  2. Now she claims to be part Jewish for the first time to a far left Jewish community. I assume because of this video she needed to do serious damage control. Her best friend was Marc Lamont Hill. Ha.

  3. This woman is in over her head so far, knows nothing about government, has no answers on how her campaign promises will be paid for, talks as if she is still in high school ( ya know, Like). The people that voted for her are just as stupid, that's how she got elected!

  4. Well. you get what you vote for. Doesn't say a lot for Democrats does it? Dumb as a cork.

  5. Such BS might work with her constituents but she’s in the real world now. She doesn’t have a clue, but one thing is she will be rich soon with all the perks and benefits she gets. Then she will be saying let them eat cake!

  6. There should be a minimum I.Q. requirement to vote.

  7. This woman is dumber than a box of rocks.

  8. Reminds me of the old Valley Girls in the nineties.
    "Oh My God....Like, Totally. "

  9. She is pretty to look at, as long as she doesnt open her mouth to talk!

  10. I don't blame her for bettering herself. She will forever be at the government trough now.

    I blame the people that are dumber, the voters.

    Trump/Pence 2020!

  11. She will be able to get all the money she needs for her programs, she said "Money Grows on Trees that is why Banks have so many Branches"!


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