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Monday, December 17, 2018

The IRS would get whacked in a government shutdown

If a government shutdown is coming, it's going to hit the IRS hard.

Nearly 90 percent of the tax collection agency's workforce would be furloughed if President Trump and congressional Democrats can't agree on a bill to keep a handful of federal agencies open past Dec. 21.

Trump and his Democratic foes in Congress indicated this week that they aren't close to a deal. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., were openly feuding with Trump in the White House on Tuesday as they rejected his push for another $5 billion to fund a border wall.



  1. They are saying this to make poor people who are depending on tax refunds upset. They would not shut down the IRS at tax time or people would burn this country to the ground in a week.

  2. When they have shut down before it's not but a short time for show and we haven't missed them. Their number one task is to keep us safe and they don't care to do that, so shut down and cut their monies off. They will be back stealing in a flash.

  3. Crying ! Crying ! Crying ! Oh My I Need A Bucket For All My Tears !

  4. So my Christmas wish might come true?!?!?


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