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Monday, December 17, 2018

Rep. Ilhan Omar Mocks Mike Pence: ‘Jesus Take the Wheel’

Rep.-elect Ilhan Omar (D-MN), the first Muslim woman elected to Congress (along with fellow Democrat Rashida Tlaib of Michigan), mocked Vice President Mike Pence last week with a tweet captioned “Jesus take the wheel!”.

Jesus take the wheel! #BorderWall pic.twitter.com/aEPle6HFF1

— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) December 11, 2018

The tweet was one of many mocking Pence’s apparent passivity during an Oval Office clash between President Donald Trump, incoming Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY). However, critics accused Omar of mocking Pence’s stalwart Christianity, and she offered no clarification.

I don’t like Pence, and I have always liked you, but it’s not cool to mock someone over their religion. You really should remove this post. You are above stuff like this, and honestly, I have lost some respect for you because of this…

— Kirs for Fears (@kirsforfears) December 15, 2018

Another example of the Left’s vaunted “tolerance”. I’m not impressed.

— Conny (@conny_green) December 15, 2018

Imagine the national media meltdown if a Christian politician made fun of a Muslim like this: https://t.co/fEStyQxf2G

— Noah Pollak (@NoahPollak) December 15, 2018

Omar may not have been reflecting a religious prejudice of her own, but rather the generic prejudice against religious Christians that is common on the far left. However, she did have her defenders, including Ray Johnson of ChicagoNow.com:

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  1. To be honest it's not a Muslim thing as much as a liberal thing. Merry Christmas to all.

  2. That's he results when voters are ill informed. Unreal that this scum is on our pay roll no matter what breed. Many more at our trough too.

  3. rep omar isn't even good enough to kiss my @ss

  4. I strongly believe that Rep.Ilhan is one of good politicians. Ethnicity she is pure Semitic,faithwise she believes Abraham,Moses,Jesus and Mary and praise them.She against foreign parasite countries who has American protection in middle East for example her number one enemy is all American enemies who has money and influence like Mister bone Saw(MNS) Saudi Arabian Prince and his followers. Those critics who think she can't say "Jesus take the wheels" She has in faith with Jesus and Mary then yours. Republic must know Jesus is for all of us isn't their's only. Man from Canada.

  5. I strongly believe that Rep.Ilhan is one of good politicians. Ethnicity she is pure Semitic,faithwise she believes Abraham,Moses,Jesus and Mary and praise them.She against foreign parasite countries who has American protection in middle East for example her number one enemy is all American enemies who has money and influence like Mister bone Saw(MNS) Saudi Arabian Prince and his followers. Those critics who think she can't say "Jesus take the wheels" She has in faith with Jesus and Mary then yours. Republic must know Jesus is for all of us isn't their's only.


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