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Monday, December 17, 2018

Father of Deceased Migrant Girl Says Border Patrol Did All They Could

The father of seven-year-old Jakelin Amei Rosmery Caal Maquin reportedly told the Guatemalan Consul General he had “no complaints about how Border Patrol agents treated him and his daughter.

Guatemalan Consul General Tekandi Paniagua told CNN that Nery Gilberto Caal, the father of the little girl who died on December 8 after entering the U.S. and being detained by Border Patrol agents, told him the agents did everything they possibly could do to help his daughter.

CNN’s Jake Tapper tweeted a message said the consul general said the father confirmed the timeline put forth by DHS officials and said his daughter did not show any signs of distress until about 5 a.m. when the pair boarded a bus headed to the Lordsburg Border Patrol Station.

Nery Caal issued a statement on Saturday through his attorneys in which he said he was “grateful for the many first responders that tried to save young Jakelin’s life in New Mexico and Texas,” CNN reported.


1 comment:

  1. One of our tax paid mouth pieces will likely change his mind and sue the USA.


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