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Sunday, December 23, 2018

MObama & W - This Isn't News. This Is War Crimes Apologia

The fact that George W Bush has given Michelle Obama two pieces of candy is once again making headlines in mainstream outlets like Time, The Hill, and Newsweek.

He has not given her any new pieces of candy since the last time he did so at his father’s funeral. He also has not ceased to be the man who facilitated the murder of a million Iraqis and inflicted a whole new level of military expansionism and Orwellian surveillance upon our world. As near as I can tell, the only reason this story is once again making headlines is because Michelle Obama and the mainstream media have decided to bring it up again.

“He has the presence of mind and the sense of humor to bring me a mint, and he made it a point to give me that mint right then and there and that’s the beauty of George Bush,” Obama said of the war criminal in conversation at the SAP Center over the weekend, which we apparently need to know about because the news is telling us about it.

“We’re all Americans. We all care about our family and our kids, and we’re trying to get ahead,” Obama continued.

“And that’s how I feel about [Bush]. You know? He’s a beautiful, funny, kind, sweet man.”



  1. She used to get Dog Biscuits from Barrack.

  2. This is the LAST story this blog should be posting. You clowns cheered Bush all the way into Iraq. In the words of Kerry, clearly you were for it before you were against it. You clowns were calling anyone who disagreed with the war a trader then when Bush when you finally realized it was your sons and daughters getting blown up for nothin over there, sudddenly you found some common sense.

    1. You are abosolutely correct. Where are all the Bush people now. They have short memories and deny supporting his policies.

    2. It’s “traitor”... a trader is someone who works on Wall Street

  3. They both need to go to GITMO for TREASON.

  4. The sad thing is that so many on the right (admit it) just cheered away when he invaded Iraq....

  5. Bush is not a War Criminal. He wasn't the best president, but much better than the illegal Muslim from Kenya that occupied the White House for 8 years. That's a crime on humanity so this jerk should be writing about that instead of insulting President Bush.

    1. Sure 540. Commit the biggest strategic blunder in modern history but its ok. Atleast ti ou werent the black guy with the funny name. Lol

  6. 2 peas in a pod...birds of a feather flock together...


  7. So Moochie can't afford her own candy? Or doesn't have the presence of mind to bring some? Ironic since she drove foods kids liked from school lunches by her war on sugar.

  8. 8:19 you must be a damnocrat because you feel smarter than most.

  9. MO looks nasty and smelly. God forbid I was ever stuck having to breath the same air as MO I too would offer her candy to try and hide her putrid stench.

  10. 850
    A LOT smarter than most.
    Thank you very much

  11. Got Skull and Bones?
    The Order of the Death's Head

    Just an honest Texas rancher who wants to help America . . .


    I just vommited in my mouth

  12. Anonymous said...
    MO looks nasty and smelly. God forbid I was ever stuck having to breath the same air as MO I too would offer her candy to try and hide her putrid stench.

    December 22, 2018 at 9:04 AM

    Yes, she happened to be at an event we were attending and I wanted to be nice and say Hello. All I could smell was that pungent odor that you smell in a basketball locker room in the ghetto. Some of you might know what I am talking about. She didn't even try to hide it with perfume.

    1. Dude we all know you havent ventured out of mommy's basement in some time.

  13. Anonymous said...
    She used to get Dog Biscuits from Barrack.

    December 21, 2018 at 3:50 PM

    Must've been the ones left over from the dog he ate.

  14. Trump won't let the likes of a VP tell him what to do.

  15. @8:01 Cheney ran the white House


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