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Sunday, December 23, 2018

Jim Acosta Honored to Be Named Time Magazine's 'Person of the Year'

Shortly before the most objectively influential and inspiring person on the planet, President Donald Trump, owned lib leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer in an Oval Office debate smackdown, TIME Magazine announced its choice for 2018 "Person of the Year." And the winner is: "The Guardians and the War on Truth."

Specifically, the title belongs to journalists who have been killed or imprisoned in recent years, because awarding this honor to journalists writ large would have been a tad pretentious, even for journalists. The implication was not lost on the true heroes: American reporters who cover the Trump administration.



  1. Glad to see that this is satire, but the crazy part of this is that it could be true

  2. Dave T: Give me a break! What a joke. This is laughable. No wonder why I never read this rag.

  3. What do you expect from a Liberal Anarchist magazine. Acosta is an anarchist that does not report news fairly and impartial. Make me puke. Just another reason I quit buying TIME 40 years ago.

  4. Awards, they mean so much to me.

    Even the Nobel Peace Prize given to terrorists (Arafat) and liberal climate filmmakers, and Presidents who have been in power for 3 months.

    Don't forget the Espy award to Bruce (whatever) Jenner for courage in sports figures.

  5. Another nail in the coffin of Time-Life.

  6. Wouldnt even use it for toilet paper.

  7. Time magazine was popular in the 70's. You can't even find that rag in a dr's office.

  8. There are so many people who truly deserve recovery, not this creep. No wonder your magazine is dyeing, you just helped it!


  9. Guessing the award includes a new pacifier for him.

  10. How pathetic! This society has gone to the dogs!

  11. No wonder these media rags closing like crazy.

  12. In 1938, Time Magazine named Adolf Hitler as its Man of the Year.


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