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Monday, December 17, 2018

Michael Reagan: All Is Fair in the War on Trump

Publishers Notes: The last sentence nails it!

It’s not like it was something we didn’t already know.

But what the FBI and Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s did to President Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is fresh proof that there are two kinds of justice operating in the Washington swamp.

One kind — the mean, devious, throw-the-book-at-‘em kind — is used for prosecuting Donald Trump and his people.

The other kind of justice — the nice, easy-going, so-what kind — is used for not looking into the law-breaking email fiascos of Hillary and the financial fishiness of the Clinton Crime Syndicate.

Hillary continues to skate free, unbothered by the FBI or any federal agency for the dirty things she and the Obama administration’s injustice department did during the 2016 election to try to defeat Donald Trump.

But not General Flynn.

His life was ruined by the FBI bosses who set out to nail him — and did.


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