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Monday, December 17, 2018

What Shall We Do with Lizzy Warren?

One of the best sea shanties is “What Shall We Do with a Drunken Sailor?” traced to whalers out of Connecticut and Massachusetts in the 1830s, according to folklorist Stan Hugill “Shanties From the Seven Seas” Mystic Seaport Museum.

“Drunken Sailor” is a fine ditty, each repeating verse ten or six beats, followed by the same six beat finish. The Irish Rovers have a classic rendition.

A modern version is here:

What shall we do with a lame-duck Lizzy,

What shall we do with a lame-duck Lizzy,

What shall we do with a lame-duck Lizzy

early in the morning?

Way-hay, up she rises
Way-hay, up she rises
Way-hay, up she rises
Early in the morning

Put her in the long boat 'til she's sober…

Pull out the bung and wet her all over…

Put her in the scuppers with the deck pump on her…

Early in the morning…

Re-elected only a month ago by Massachusetts voters to her second U.S. Senate term, Warren drunk on self-righteous smugness, has already been declared a “dead presidential candidate walking” by her erstwhile friends.



  1. Imagine how entertaining it would be if she ran.


  2. But Handsy Uncle Slow Joe says he's most qualified person in the country to be president.

    In his last run for the office he recorded barely enough votes to break into 4 digits before withdrawing. He's had an entire career of no-accountability jobs. By 2020 he'll probably be molesting the aides at the old folks home.

    All of his competition in the donkey sweepstakes have similar embarrassments in their resumes.

    Waiter, more popcorn!

  3. What to do with her.....send her back to the reservation to search for her tribe. That would keep her busy for the rest of her life and out of our hair.

  4. The DNC convention and the months leading up to it will be a circus to be remembered for years and years.


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