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Monday, December 17, 2018

Former NFL Player Gets Hit With Massive Lawsuit Judgement Over Drunk Driving Death

Former Dallas Cowboys player Josh Brent is on the hook for millions of dollars following a civil case of a drunk driving death.

Brent killed his teammate Jerry Brown while drunk driving in Texas back in 2012. Now, he will owe Brown’s estate more than $10 million.

Dallas News reported the following:

Jurors on Thursday found a nightclub partly to blame for overserving former Dallas Cowboy Josh Brent the night he drove drunk and killed teammate and best friend Jerry Brown.

The civil court jury awarded Brown’s mother and his estate $25 million. Beamers shared about half the blame with Brent — 48 percent each — with the final 4 percent lying with the victim.

A jury sentenced Brent to probation at his criminal trial after Jackson testified that she had forgiven him. She said that’s what her son would have wanted and that she and Brent had stayed in touch.



  1. Another thug that will be living in momma's basement.

  2. 2 words of advise: umbrella insurance


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