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Monday, November 26, 2018

WaPo Author Shames Black Men Who Dared To Vote For Republicans In Georgia!

Like the slave catchers of the 1800’s, Washington Post author Vanessa Williams (no, not the singer from the 1990s) has published an article shaming black men in Georgia who voted for Republican Brian Kemp over democrat Stacey Abrams in the race for Governor. According to polls, 8-11% of black males voted for Kemp, helping him to win the election.

But Williams will have none of that in her article titled “What’s up with all those black men who voted for the Republican in the Georgia governor’s race?” as part of WaPo’s “About US” initiative, which is apparently designed to “cover issues of identity in the United States.”

Vanessa Williams starts off the article by shaming white women: “White female voters in Georgia showed little interest in helping black women fulfill their dream of electing Stacey Abrams as governor, which would have made her the first African American woman to head a state in the nation’s history” before going into her diatribe about MAGA black males:



  1. WaPo is a trash paper. Good for bird cages.

  2. Now, white women are responsible for "fulfilling the dreams of black women"??



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