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Monday, November 26, 2018

Mike Lee: I’m ‘Certain’ Congress Will Look into Trump’s ‘Personal Motivations’ with Saudi Arabia

Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) said he was “certain” that Congress would look into President Donald Trump’s “personal motivations” on the Saudi Arabia issue given his continued support for the Saudis.

Trump’s gestures come despite Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman being blamed for the death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Lee said, “I disagree with the president’s assessment. It’s inconsistent with the intelligence I’ve seen. Now look, I don’t have access to everything that the president sees. I’m not sure what he’s relying on. The intelligence I’ve seen suggests that this was ordered by the crown prince.”

On Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen, Lee said, “I think this is yet another indication that this unauthorized, unconstitutional war, from our standpoint, is not something that we ought to be fighting. This is not an ally that deserves this kind of military intervention. Especially because there’s been no connection between the safety of the American people and our involvement in this war.”



  1. The current administration has put us in such a deficit, a massive hole of trillions worth of debt, that they can't refuse the saudi oil and deals being given to them.

    1. So what's your point? Moving on now

    2. Like the gas prices do you?

  2. I'm sure they will because they haven't looked into all the good he has done since kicking the glass ceiling from under the fat failed nasty one. These politicians are a common bunch. I guess with President Donald J. Trump in office they can't steal as much as usual. Look at the headlines where the fat failure has lost donations and speaking fees. The man has done a lot of good since winning and continues to win for us. They are a vicious jealous crowd, even the ones on his side. Glad he is smart enough to watch his back.

    Trump/Pence 2020!!

    Get your bumper stickers before they are gone..lol

    1. Yes so we can wallpaper your bathroom because you are so full of - well you know what !

  3. The current administration has put us in such a deficit, a massive hole of trillions worth of debt 2:11.

    I don't know how to comment on such a asinine comment without going out of my tree, so I'll just laugh at it. Lol

    1. Please don't forget who really jacked up the National debt - reminder OBAMA. You know the guy who gave Iran alot of our money during the dark of the night in cash.

  4. The assassination of a foreign national (NOT a US citizen), on foreign soil, in a foreign consulate on foreign soil, is not a crime that the US has ANY jurisdiction over. Blaming the Saudi Prince and advocating the overthrow of the Saudi government over this is not in the US best interest. Because of the continuing need for Saudi oil to maintain stability in global oil markets, Trump is correct not to intervene in this manufactured crisis by the media and the politicians out to get Trump. Trump, as always, is taking the stance that is best for America, and not appeasing the powers that be that only want to destroy Trump. If the Saudi Kingdom was to fall, all the other wars in the Mideast would just look like little spats compared to the instability that would ensue. The last thing the middle east needs is a vacuum from the fall of the Saudi Kingdom. Bad players would use every tool in their massive war making arsenals to take over the oil fields in Saudi Arabia. Trump KNOWS this. He is not going to be a part of that happening, over the killing of a Saudi journalist, in a Saudi Embassy in Turkey, that got on the wrong side of the Prince. It's not in in American's best interest for the US to be involved.

  5. but the bushes can fly there buddies out after 911..

    1. That was bush, not to be confused with President Trump

  6. 2:11, you're either not educated, don't know your history or are just Naive...

  7. Well then we will have to look at ALL our relations with Saudi Arabia. That wont go well nor will it us proffer to know exactly the dealings we have had with them up to now. That's a dog best left sleeping. The average American does not even have a current Globe in their home and even know where that is. Too them it's all bearded Kardashians in sheets that control the oil. They may be right.


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