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Wednesday, November 21, 2018

U.S. Envoy Seeks Peace Deal With Taliban By 2019 Amidst Direct Talks

The U.S. special envoy to Afghanistan has said he hopes to strike a final peace deal with the Talibanby April of 2019, according to Reuters citing local media reports.

U.S. envoy Zalmay Khalilzad led three days of talks between the United States, the Taliban and the Afghan government in Qatar where the Taliban has a political office, the culmination of months of attempted unprecedented face-to-face sit down dialogue between American officials and the Islamist insurgent group's representatives.

Khalilzad told reporters over the weekend that he hopes “a peace deal is reached before April 20 next year”, when Afghanistan is planning to hold a presidential election. While six months is ambitious and a tad optimistic, it appears more about creating the conditions for a final politically face-saving American exit from the now approaching two decade long quagmire.



  1. Peace Deal:

    Taliban allows the Military to cultivate and profit from the Poppy / Heroin production.

    Military allows the Taliban to continue breathing.

    Good deal

  2. It WILL happen.
    It isn't called "the graveyard of empires" for nothing.
    Even the Soviets, who killed everyone that walked around and destroyed everything they saw, could not overcome Afghanistan.
    ANOTHER half-assed effort by America (i.e., don't shoot a man walking around with a grenade launcher or a .50 machine gun UNLESS HE SHOOTS AT YOU FIRST -- or be charged by your own commanders with murder).
    Our leaders will just kiss off the thousands of young men who have been killed there, just as they kissed off 50,000+ Vietnam deaths.
    Declare war and make people sorry they picked a fight with us, or stop asking American parents to send their kids to a political show to die for politicians.
    And tell the CIA to stop facilitating heroin shipments.


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