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Wednesday, November 21, 2018

At Berkeley, rational discussion descends into darkness

Appropriately, on Halloween night, the University of California-Berkeley’s ghosts returned to its hallowed halls.

A well-meaning and earnest student senator, Isabella Chow, unleashed the specters of Berkeley’s past — the contest between conscience and conformity — by daring to dissent.

Her punishment has been swift: stripped of her student political party’s backing, denounced by the student newspaper, subjected to calls for resignation and recall, and expelled from nearly every student organization she led or helped to lead for the last two years.



  1. George Orwell was a man that could predict the future. I don't see why progressive/liberals can't understand that. It seems that they are already in love with Big Brother.

  2. Berkeley’s mission is to destroy itself. It's on course and moving at flank speed.


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