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Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Kelley Paul on Criminal Justice Reform: 'Just Locking People Up Is Not Solving the Problem'

Kelley Paul, the wife of Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), sat down with Breitbart News Deputy Political Editor Amanda House last week to offer her thoughts on why criminal justice reform is needed in America.

Paul says she is very enthusiastic about the FIRST STEP Act, a bill that would ease federal sentencing laws and that President Trump put his weight behind last Wednesday.

“I think it’s really exciting and incredible. This is an incredible day for bipartisanship, for a great bill that hopefully we will get brought to the Senate floor,” Paul told House moments after President Trump’s endorsement. “I appreciate the leadership that Jared Kushner and Ivanka have shown on criminal justice reform.”



  1. Ease federal sentencing laws? You got to be kidding me! They have a resort now and get out with a smack on the wrist. I think we need very strong laws and endorse long sentencing to insure these idiots aren't back on the streets in a day or two. I think we need many more prisons with maximum security and also get the death sentence back in progress with an express lane like Texas.

    I'll tell that these prisoners get out with a degree in whatever and some even a law degree. They have free meals , TV , recreation yards , wood shop , drugs anytime , sex anytime , free healthcare and housing from the weather.

  2. 542 me thinks you would want a prisoner who jas served his time to come out with the education needed to be a productive member of society. But maybe thats just me

    1. That's great, 728. If they want to be productive members of society. Problem is, most don't.

    2. Oh yeah? Show me the data

    3. Sure! As soon as you show me the data showing the contrary, Lol! I'm basing it on my 20+ years of experience in the field.

  3. Right, we need to put them out for hard labor breaking big rocks into little ones. None of that laying around watching TV, and body building. Build Highways, dig ditches, pick up trash.

  4. 5:42 you watch to much t.v. Ask Whitey Bulger how much fun he had in prison. Jails should not be money makers. If you commit a crime of violence or sexual in nature they should be housed separately. The inmates should not be used as slaves they broke a law. The punishment is their freedom is taken away. Judges are nothing more than lawyers in black robes. If you have money and are white 90% of the time the good ole boy lawyers look out for one another. The system sucks and it is archaic. America has more people behind bars than Russia and China combined. The reason they have good time is to prevent total mayhem. It keeps some in line. As for sex and drugs that is a fallacy. I suggest you go stay in one of these facilities. The overwhelmingly majority of inmates are black. Gangs run the system not the Wardens.

    1. Drugs in prison is a fallacy? Are you kidding me? Did you not just see the dozens of indictments out of ECI???

  5. Let's get old sparky all fired up again. Soon we will free up jail space.


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