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Friday, November 09, 2018

Trump Proposes Ending Asylum For Illegal Immigrants

As was widely expected following his promises to stop crowds of illegal migrants from entering the US, President Trump on Thursday signed an order to end asylum for illegal immigrants before the caravans arrive. The order, which is expected to elicit howls of outrage from the left, will almost certainly be met with a court challenge, according to a Bloomberg report.

The Trump administration said it would prohibit people who illegally cross the U.S. border with Mexico from claiming asylum, as the president seeks to choke off migration from Latin America, Bloomberg News reports.

The change to asylum procedures was published Thursday by the Justice Department. President Donald Trump has blamed U.S. asylum rules for luring thousands of migrants a year from Central American countries. The new rule is almost certain to be challenged in courts.

According to an NBC News report published early Thursday afternoon, senior Trump administration officials expect to be sued over the "draconian" immigration order. But with Brett Kavanaugh cementing a conservative majority on the court, the administration expects that it will prevail, as even the pre-Kavanaugh split court allowed the administration some wiggle room to implement its controversial travel ban. However, some worry that Neil Gorsuch could throw a wrench in the works by opposing the proposal, as he appeared to have reservations about supporting another restrictive immigration ruling during arguments on another case earlier in the term, per the New York Times.



  1. Kick them out! We don't need more freeloaders living off us poor working folks!

  2. End it now not later.

  3. It is a shame that the hatred and lack of humanity found in people like 10:10 and 10:50 are driving this country to hate all that are not like them. I don't think Jesus would be turning away the poverty stricken and hungry at the border. That's the thing with Christians now though, they only abide by what is convenient to them.

    1. Are you willing to take a few in to your comfortable home and help them take away all your privileges. God is good but even the Holy land has it's problems. Talk is cheap. Put your money where your mouth is!

  4. 11:17 I think Jesus what like for us to take care of our own first before we bring in 7000 others on the taxpayers back. I find it funny you are talking about Jesus all the while calling 10:10 and 10:50 filled with gage just because they are tired of paying for people that have come here illegally. Jesus also said Do not judge for you will be judged alsošŸ¤·‍♀️

  5. 11:17 you sound just like the liberal socialist Democrats. Why should I support a bunch of illegals that wants something for nothing? They come here and expect the US tax payers to support them with housing, medical care, education, food, living expenses. They will get for a family $50,000 a year and if they work and pay $5,000 in taxes they get $20,000 more at tax time from tax credits and then send that money back to their country of origin. So how do they pay taxes? They should stay in their country and correct the problem. By running they don't want to work for their freedom. They want the US tax payer to support them. That is why they are flying their countries flags not the US flag. Hope they all pitch a tent in your yard and neighborhood and see how much pity you give them then.

    1. Well said and very true, we dont want any of them let in!

  6. 11:17 your a liberal moron! Jesus also said don't be a lying piece of shit and a freeloader. 90% of this so called refugee caravan is full of men, not families fleeing a war. Plus, they have been offered shelter in a country that speaks, and is culturally the same as from where they came from. Plus they are wanted. No one wants them here, we already have 11 million illegals, and 25 million freeloaders on the welfare rolls!

  7. do it!!!! do it!!!!!! doooooooooo ittttttttt!!!!!!


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