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Friday, November 09, 2018

Mob Outside Tucker’s Home Has A History Of Harassment And Violence

Smash Racism DC, the mob group that assembled outside of Tucker Carlson’s home Wednesday evening, is responsible for other incidents of harassment and violence.

Carlson, co-founder of The Daily Caller and the host of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” was at the Fox News studio when the mob showed up at his Washington, D.C., home.

Smash Racism DC posted videos of their members chanting “racist scumbag, leave town!” and “Tucker Carlson, we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!” outside of his home. The mob also posted Carlson’s address on their Twitter account.

Carlson told The Washington Post that his wife was home alone at the time and heard the mob trying to break down the front door. Mrs. Carlson hid in the pantry and called 911.



  1. Collect them all up and dump them on a deserted island with the Westboro Baptist Church nuts. Let nature sort it out.

  2. He should turn on a sprinkler on them!

  3. Some arrests are forthcoming.

  4. Time do start doing the same to them

  5. They are lucky. Most people will take care of the problem when the police wont do anything. Tucker cant because of his job.

  6. Nothing will happen to them. That is just wishful thinking. They should be locked up for 5 years.

  7. Time for us to support him and protect his family, grab our guns and do free security for him.


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