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Friday, November 09, 2018

Twitter Yet to Suspend Antifa Account that Doxed Tucker, Hannity, Coulter

Twitter suspended an account linked to the domestic terrorist Antifa movement after it posted the personal address of Fox News host Tucker Carlson, and encouraged a harassment mob at his house. However, a second Antifa-linked account that posted the addresses of Carlson, along with Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, and Daily Caller co-founder Neil Patel, has yet to be suspended.

The first Twitter account, “Smash Racism DC,” published a number of tweets encouraging the far-left mob that descended on Tucker Carlson’s home in Washington D.C. earlier tonight. Per Gateway Pundit, an individual affiliated with DC Antifa said the mob harassment of Carlson was “just the beginning.”


1 comment:

  1. ANTIFA is pushing for a civil war. POST NO TRESSPASSING signs then when they enter load them up with buck shot. Police will not protect so we have to protect our selves. LOCK AND LOAD


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