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Monday, November 19, 2018

Trump Is Right: California Mismanaging Forests & Land

State has been ignoring precautionary fire measures for decades

President Trump received a lot of pushback from the media over his comments that the mismanagement of California’s land is partial responsible for the deadly wildfires currently plaguing the state.

“There is no reason for these massive, deadly and costly forest fires in California except that forest management is so poor,” he tweeted last week. “Billions of dollars are given each year, with so many lives lost, all because of gross mismanagement of the forests. Remedy now, or no more Fed payments!”

But according to several reports, Trump is correct about California’s land mismanagement.

For example, California has been letting its vegetation grow uncontrollably over the last century, rather than allowing controlled burns to keep it at manageable levels, according to a report by High Country News.



  1. I remember 50 years ago traveling through the west with my parents on vacation asking why there were giant paths of clear cut going through the forests. He told us they were "fire breaks" so if a forest fire broke out, that's where the firemen went to stop the fire.

    It worked well back then. Now, they don't exist.

  2. Not surprising in "the land of the moon bats". So much easier to blame everything on climate issues than take intelligent responsibility and do something that makes sense. "Don't Bogart that joint my friend".

  3. Dave T: He is 100 percent right, and of course no one wants to admit that. Very disgusting new paradigm in modern society today: never, never, God forbid, ever give someone a compliment or say something nice - always remain silent and save comments for negative things. How I hate seeing this daily, and knowing its primarily how the people I see daily functioning. Maybe I've just been living in the Communist Democratic Peoples Republic of Maryland too long.
    We are burning prime forest land here for the sake of useless liberal policy, while paying premium money to import wood from Canada. Total incompetence and proof AGAIN, that liberals want control, even though they're far too stupid to know what to do with it. Just think of how that affects our economy! We could be creating jobs and lowering housing costs while sustaining our forest land if we had legislators who were competent enough to craft actual laws that work.
    It is extremely troubling to see that people today have a very hard time differentiating between liars and leaders! What an utter disgrace!

  4. You people are heartless!

  5. The State of Maryland is practicing the same poor forest management practices on the thousands of acres they have acquired on the Lower Shore since 1996, they have purchased 1/2 the size of Wicomico County in the 5 lower counties. and it all rotting. good thing we have a lot of rain


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