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Monday, November 19, 2018

Why Politicians Love Deals Like The Amazon Deals

Amazon isn't the first big corporation to manipulate policymakers by shopping around the idea of relocating its headquarter to the "right" city. The "right" city, of course, is the one that provides the company with enough tax breaks and other political favors so as to make the move worth it.

Back in 2001, for example, Aerospace company Boeing did exactly the same thing, with Illinois and Chicago governments winning that contest:

Amazon isn't the first big corporation to manipulate policymakers by shopping around the idea of relocating its headquarter to the "right" city. The "right" city, of course, is the one that provides the company with enough tax breaks and other political favors so as to make the move worth it.

Back in 2001, for example, Aerospace company Boeing did exactly the same thing, with Illinois and Chicago governments winning that contest:



  1. The Amazon HQ2 deals stink to high-Heaven. It is no different than promising over zealous pensions and benefits to state employees and not figuring how to pay for them.
    It will come back to bite those states in the ass in about 5 years. Mark my word.

  2. Politicians love deals like the Amazon deal, because of what's in it for THEM. If you don't think Amazon plied the decision makers with benefits, yes, personal benefits, then you are quite naive.

  3. Many pockets were lined with that Amazon deal.


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