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Monday, November 19, 2018

Donald Trump: 'A Very Good Time to Do a Shutdown' for Border Wall

President Donald Trump again said that he is open to a partial government shutdown to force Democrats to help fund the border wall.

“Probably if I was ever going to do a shutdown on border security, when you look at the caravans, when you look at the mess, when you look at the people coming in, this would be a very good time to do a shutdown,” Trump said as he left the White House on Saturday to travel to California.

The president said he wants $5 billion in funding for the wall and border security.



  1. Also, stop giving foreign countries money. Keep it to build that wall.

  2. Exactly. Stop funding foreign countries that do not help us and build the wall. If not funded shut the government down until it is, even it takes until the next election.

  3. I agree with 12:04 but also wonder how much wall 5 billion dollars will build.


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