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Monday, November 19, 2018

Then They Came for the White Women

As the incompetent election managers in Florida finally finish counting ballots barely in time for the 2020 campaigns to begin, and Georgia’s governor candidate Stacey Abrams chooses to "acknowledge defeat" rather than concede, it’s time to take a look at the role of women in politics.


Hillary’s hinting she’s thinking of running for president yet again in 2020. Democrats who still retain a synapse or two are trying to dissuade her. Ken Danieli, an online pollster, ran the numbers and despite all the sister solidarity talk his calculations reveal that 4% more women voted for Obama in 2008 than for Hillary in 2016. By his count (derived from inputs from Wikipedia and exit polls), it also appears that it wasn’t white voters who accounted for Trump’s win. “Trump won only about 1% more white voters than did McCain in 2008…” “Trump won >80% more Black voters than McCain did and >15% more Latino voters than McCain did.”

Since the left cannot -- oh you know why -- attack Black or Latino voters, they’ve aimed their bile at white women voters. To paraphrase Friedrich Gustav Emil Martin Niemöller: First they came for the White Men, and I did not speak out. Then they came for the White Women.

Women Versus (White) Men


  1. The Left only pretends to support and defend women when it's in the interests of the Left. Women are wising up and see that they've been used as tools for decades.

  2. Hillary shouldn't be allowed to run again. Her past record should disqualify her from office. The only reason she wasn;t found guilty is because no one followed through to prosecute her. She knows she's guilty, we know she's guilty, the whole world knows she's guilty, but being a Clinton has exempted her from being tried and punished. You or I would be goners. (I sure hope they use vertical stripes and not horizontal......they make us look so fat. )

  3. Remember Blazing Saddles? "Where da' white women at?!"


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