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Monday, November 19, 2018

Charlie Kirk: Democrats come out the big losers in Florida’s election mess

Despite desperate efforts by Democrats to overturn the decision of Florida’s voters – and despite the state’s deeply flawed, mismanaged and corrupt election system – it’s now clear that Republican Ron DeSantis will be the state’s next governor and Republican Gov. Rick Scott will be its next U.S. senator.

While a hand recount is still underway in Scott’s race against incumbent Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson, “Nelson was left with almost no chance of pulling off a comeback to retain his seat” because Scott was leading by more than 12,000 votes, the Washington Post reported. And Florida’s machine recount of votes showed DeSantis more than 33,000 votes ahead of Democratic Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum – a margin too large to mandate a hand recount.

Democrats who refuse to accept that DeSantis will be governor and that Scott is heading to the Senate are refusing to accept reality. Their complaints against Republicans are absurd and simply the whining of sore losers unable to accept responsibility for their losses.



  1. I just moved to Florida. I was so worried that Gillium was going to win by corruption and make Florida a Sanctuary State and raise taxes etc. Every reason I moved to Florida would have been for not. I'm sure DeSantis would have won by more voters if it hadn't been rigged by the Dems. It backfired so we can all breathe now.

  2. Why should they accept it. Hillary still hasn’t accepted it.

  3. 12:13 - Better start looking for another state. Florida only has another election or 2. Florida should have banned people from the New York moving to the state. New Yorkers alone have almost destroyed the state.


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