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Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Senate Democrat floats legislative work-around if Whitaker buries Mueller report

Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., raised the possibility of Congress introducing legislation to compel the Justice Department to release special counsel Robert Mueller's findings to lawmakers on Capitol Hill and the public.

"There is maybe some tricky legal issues here that have to figured out but I believe the answer is yes, that we could legislate that this report must be delivered to Congress," Merkley said during an interview Sunday evening with MSNBC's "Kasie DC."

"Right now under the law, the attorney general can block it," the Oregon Democrat continued. "And so that's a big concern: Even if the report is completed, it won't make it into our hands. I just feel the whole collection of the way President Trump has behaved, it's all about suppressing this investigation."



  1. Democrats want Mueller's report made public but if there is nothing that incriminates Republicans and it was all just a big waste of time and money they will change their tune.

  2. I ""See"" a !Nothing Ness ! Of Mulleurs coming to the In Evitable ConClusion (You know What! /Nothings\) trump is Making America Greet Again!!

  3. 826 so what you are sayimg is the report should be made public so we can put this all to bed for once and for all. Time to put up or shut up for folks on both sides.

  4. They know the bias of Mueller and they have a good source that Mueller will not include the Democrat involvement and unproven accusations against Republican

  5. the report should be made public so we can all see what a croc it is

  6. There are hundreds of investigations and they go on forever. When was the last time the results of an investigation was announced? It seems they just go into a black hole and never seen or heard from again.

    1. Because MSM dont want you knowing the truth!


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