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Wednesday, November 21, 2018

House Democrats To Probe Ivanka Trump's Use Of Personal Email

Democrats on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee will look into Ivanka Trump's use of a personal email account "to continue our investigation of the presidential records act and federal records act," reports The Hill.

The panel, now under Democratic leadership, will seek to determine "if Ivanka complied with the law," according to ta Democratic aide.

The Democratic aide noted that the committee had started a bipartisan investigation last year on whether White House officials were in compliance with the Presidential Records Act under then-committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), who has since retired from Congress. That probe has since been dropped. -The Hill

On Monday the Washington Post reported that the president's daughter sent "hundreds" of emails in 2017 to White House aides, assistants and Cabinet officials. That said Ivanka reportedly discussed government policies "less than 100 times" - and none of the content was classified.

In a statement to Fox News, Trump ethics lawyer Abbe Lowell's spokesman, Peter Mirijanian, emphasized the differences between the Hillary Clinton email scandal and Ivanka's use of private email, after many on the left quickly jumped on the Post report in an attempt to equate the two.



  1. what a bunch of maroons!

  2. There is a difference between classified and unclassified info and she did not set up a personal email account in her home for use as Hillary did. Another distraction from bads news involving dems.

  3. Ahh **Yes!** e-mails. What electronic ""mail"" of the Mindless Drone's (Obama)!!chosen Successor"(Hillary) will be #Discovered#!?€

  4. You had me at: "House Democrats To Probe Ivanka..."

    snicker snicker

  5. Amazing that they would waste tax dollars on this when they blocked Clinton from being investigated and she was Secretary of State That is who the bullying Democrats should be prosecuting along with James Comey and his fraudulent investigation of Clinton and her staff along with the bullying Democrats.

  6. They want to PLAY ? Trump re open Hillary's and PROSECUTE HER.

  7. Obama Crooked BastardoNovember 21, 2018 at 12:14 PM

    Oh, since when was Ivanka the Secretary of State? Is she even on Government Payroll? Nice try, Democrats will do anything to make Hildabeast look good by comparing her to Ivanka, No Comparison.. Sorry, that ship has sailed long time ago.


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