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Monday, November 19, 2018

Retired Hospital Worker Gives Explosive ‘Flu Shot Speech’ Before CDC Advisory Committee


  1. The only thing she said that was correct is that she is not educated.

  2. Got a flu shot approximately 2005 or so and 3 days later I was sick as hell for 5-6 days. I literally wanted to die. I had never been so sick and miserable in my life. I swore I would never get another shot ever and haven’t. I have not been sick since that time. I know a lot of people who have gotten the shot and 88% of them always end up sick as a dog. Never again.

  3. 1:08 So show us your grand knowledge of the flu shot then, where is it??? I don't see any, just you running your mouth trying to demonize someone... That's typical coming from a 3 year old who never uses facts to back up their statements huh?? I can school you on vaccines with data would that sound nice or does that not go with your agenda of putting people down on a subject you don't even know about???

    Do you even know what the flue virus is? it is RNA, do you know what RNA is? if you did, you would know that the flu virus is RNA and that it changes and is never the same... If you knew that, then you would know it is impossible to predict which strain of flu virus is spreading through the world, or in this country if you want to stay local... If you knew that, then you would know that the CDC only puts a few different flu strains in their vaccine based on the data of what is being reported at the time... If you knew that, you would know that, at any time you could have the flu virus that is not covered by the vaccine, which means what? You would get sick anyway if you were to get sick and that the flu shot would not have prevented that one... Also, like 2:38 said, half of the time you get sick after the shot why???? Because they put a live, but weak virus strain in the vaccine so your body will make anti-bodies to fight it off... Which is why you get sick, a live but weak flu virus was just injected in to you... Explain why I and others who don't get the shot never get sick, but the ones who do get tit always get sick???? I guess Trump did it right??? Explain to me also, why healthy kids turn 100% full retard after getting flu shots but never from anything else????

    And here is the final one, why is it that the Amish never have these issues with health, when they do everything we do, but grow their own food and they don't vaccinate, so explain to me ole great one of the sky, why that is????

    2+2=4 right? or were you raised with common core and had to draw circles to count so in this case it would be 2+2=5? with a remainder of 1???

  4. 2:38 PM same think happened to me in early 2000. I did it twice and then never again

    1:08 = time to educate yourself. Here is are some fun facts for you. While they were shooting us up for polio and claiming a victory - over the pond in Europe, who did not vaccinate - polio disappeared into extinction. huh. imagine that. and since poisoning our children with gardasil, cervical cancer has doubled. did you know they have paid out over 3 billion in damages for vaccines? don't be a sheep.

  5. seriously the drug companies are not about to develop a vaccine that would eliminate anything anymore. where's the money in that? better we sell it to you every year, month, week, day! profits through the roof, they keep their jobs make a ton of money and you get to keep popping their poison!
    kids, elderly, moms, dads line em up for addiction!
    where so I sign up! fools!

  6. RFK Jr. wins case against U.S. government for vaccine safety violations

    Del Bigtree, founder of Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), teamed up with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to take on the U.S. government by filing suit against the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) for vaccine safety violations — and they won. This is big news for all concerned with the topic of vaccine safety. It turns out the federal agency has been neglecting their vaccine safety obligations for over 30 years. The lawsuit brought by RFK Jr. is evidence that “vaccine safety” as we know it is nothing more than a sham.

    Government agencies charged with protecting the public are not doing their part to ensure and improve the safety of immunizations, but will they be held accountable?…

    google it! the government is not your friend!

  7. 408pm - Points all well taken, believe your point has been heard loud and clear! Now pipe down before you blow a gasket, preventing your future wisdom from helping rather than hurting!

  8. Wow. This is mind-blowing. This as always been a debate but the information this nurse presents leans more on the side of against than for. The statistics on the vaccines is astounding. I mean the increasing vaccines.

  9. Wow, where do I start. Yes, I do know what ribonucleic acid is. I know what DNA is, I know what endoplasmic reticulum are, I know what mitochondria are, I know what telomeres are and I knew who Watson and Crick were. I am also very familiar with the phenomenon known as Antigenic Shift and I am aware how scientists predict next year's influenza strain. I also know what a "live attenuated viral vaccine" is compared to a "killed virus" vaccine. Live attenuated vaccines are prepared in a nasal spray and approved for children. Killed viral injectable vaccines are approved for children and adults. Neither vaccine can make you sick however, the live attenuated vaccine should not be administered to individuals with compromised immune systems. Frequently people feel "sick" after a vaccine because the vaccine stimulates the immune system and this may result in a low grade fever, aches and pains and soreness at the injection site. People may misinterpret this as being sick. Also, individuals may get sick after receiving the influenza vaccine as this vaccine only protects you against Influenza and not other viruses such as parainfluenza, rhinovirus and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

    The reason why YOU do not get sick despite not receiving the influenza vaccine is due to a phenomenon known as "herd immunity". Essentially, you exist among a herd of individuals who have been responsible enough to receive the influenza vaccine and therefore it is much less likely that you will be exposed to somebody with active influenza.

    Regarding Pres. Trump, I am not sure what he has to do with this conversation however I did vote for him as I am a Republican and plan on voting for him again in 2020.

    Your Amish comment is also unfounded as the Amish do in fact vaccinated their children yet at a lower rate than the general public. This explains why Amish children tend to be hospitalized more often than the general population for "vaccine preventable illnesses".

    Now, your "kids get 100% stupid" after receiving an influenza vaccine comment is ridiculous. Please show me the evidence to support this absurd claim. I would love to read and destroy it.

    Finally, I do not exist in the sky, rather just down here in boring old Salisbury.

    There, now you are a little bit more educated.

  10. Love all the tin-hat wearing, conspiracy theory touting loons on this site. Oh-no! Better watch out, I saw a bunch of Chem-Trails in the sky today. Quick, run for the bomb shelter!

  11. @November 20, 2918 at 1:07 PM. Wow, you sure did learn a lot from Google, huh?

  12. @ November 20, 2018 at 1:11 PM. And just what makes you any better than anyone else giving their opinion on here? You just gotta love all these self proclaimed genius's like you.


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