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Monday, November 19, 2018

Funny business in GOP congressional winner Young Kim's sudden loss in the recount?

California congressional nominee Young Kim was hailed as the winner with about a three point margin of victory over her Democrat opponent, Gil Cisneros on election night, with the Associated Press and others reporting 100% of the precincts counted. The Asian and immigrant presses celebrated, and Kim was pictured and seated with the Congressional class of 2018 official portrait.

But then something funny happened: She apparently lost last night, as somehow, more votes were counted, and somehow, nearly all of them went for the Democrat, leaving him with a 3,020 surplus.

To her credit, she issued an angry warning a few days earlier:

The Young Kim Campaign is standing up for the democratic process, the will of the majority of voters, and is emphatically committed to every legal vote being counted. pic.twitter.com/ZSqhTBr6eF
— Young Kim (@YoungKimCD39) November 12, 2018

She hasn't said anything since.

She makes three good points: That the Cisneros campaign had been rebuked by a judge for ballot tampering and poll worker intimidation, which ought to trigger far more investigative attention than it's gotten, because that's the real thing as far as fraud goes...

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