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Thursday, November 29, 2018

Obama: Thank me for the oil boom

Former President Barack Obama said he is to thank, not President Trump, for making the U.S. an oil-producing powerhouse.

“I was extraordinarily proud of the Paris accords because ... I know we’re in oil country and we need American energy and, by the way, American energy production,” Obama said at a Rice University gala in Houston on Tuesday.

“You wouldn’t always know it, but it went up every year I was president. That whole, suddenly America’s like the biggest oil producer and the biggest gas — that was me, people," he added to cheers.

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  1. Almost every person he campaigned for lost election. Even with the 500 million spent in Florida, Maryland and Texas. Even lost Mississippi. He is a joke.

  2. We needed being pissed off this morning.Thanks.

  3. This guy is a complete idiot and brought this country to it's knees. I just thank God that Trump won the election or if it were Hillary we would be deeper in a hole. People like Smoot does not understand how fortunate we are with her losing. And he taught civics? What a joke he cannot see the forest for the trees.

  4. He is just another egotistical Socialist idiot that will not shut up. He proves every day that he believes he is, No disrespect, GOD and king of the world. Male version of Hillary Clinton.

  5. Why did his leadership keep us in a depression. No growth any where? He wanted to indoctrinate and control. Obamacare was / is a disaster and has destroyed our Health care system. Allowed Iran to keep on building Nuclear weapons along with North Korea. Allowed Russia to purchase 20 - 25% of US uranium. Must I go on listing his failures?

  6. Welp, the numbers don't lie. Although he embellishes here (oil extraction tech investments played a huge role), you can't deny the numbers. Production boomed during his term despite all the anti-Obama naysayers. His admin invested heavily in natural gas production. They also pushed the type of energy efficiency measures and alternative fuels that allowed us to consume less relative to economic size. The numbers don't lie folks. But the talking heads on tv, radio, and internet do. Take off your anti-Obama/Democrat blinders and go where the facts tell you.

  7. He's a real jokester isn't he...lol

  8. He can't stop with that lying he gets to doing constantly. What's amazing are the blacks who still idolize him. Many who claim to be Christians. They are liars just like obama. You can't be a Christian and support obama or the democrat party. You don't get to pick and choose what parts of the Bible you want to follow and that is what blacks do. They can't fool God though and He sees their ugly ugly hearts and is why so much black on black crime. They will continue to be cursed until they either stop the lying about being Christian or become real Christians and it starts with not idolizing obama and not voting democrat.

  9. Man is truly out of touch with reality.

  10. why would he block construction of 2 pipelines , if he was so pro oil production ?

  11. 10:35 please advise what type of medicine you are using so I can get a script or is it the rose colored glasses. Funny how you liberals claim the very things that you have done to Trump. The talking heads....lol Get it now?

  12. I don't know who's worse, Obama claiming credit for the increased oil production, or the idiots cheering him for saying it. They are all such jerks. Remember, Obama said businesses didn't build themselves, the government did it. Spoken just like the socialist he is. I guess he thought the government owned the oil companies when they invested billions in increasing oil production while he was president. It wasn't Obama, it was oil companies that did it. Obama is a megalomaniac, that thinks he was a Messiah while in office. I wish he would just go away.

  13. What a maniacal and delusional man! His utterances never fail to amaze (and offend) me.


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