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Thursday, November 29, 2018

Corsi: I Have Proof Mueller, DOJ Are 'Political Criminals'

Best-selling author Jerome Corsi is preparing to file a criminal complaint against special counsel Robert Mueller and the Department of Justice, which are “being run by criminals.” he told Newsmax Wednesday afternoon in an exclusive interview.

“They are political criminals,” he told Newsmax, "and the way they treated me proves that.

“I am preparing to file a criminal complaint against Mueller and the Department of Justice which will be delivered to [Acting Attorney General Matthew]Whitaker as soon as it’s written up.”

Corsi’s statements appeared to dovetail with comments from President Donald Trump on Twitter and his lawyer, former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, that Mueller is pressuring witnesses to lie.



  1. Finally someone with balls to stand up to Mueller and his bunch of partisan Democrat legal crooks.

  2. Dave T: Way to go Corsi! Three cheers for this patriot for not succumbing to liberal strong arm tactics.


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