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Thursday, November 29, 2018

Democrat Midterm Wins and the Cult of Diversity

Earlier this week, I received an email from Hillary Clinton's 2020 Presidential campaign – er, I mean her political action committee, Onward Together, trumpeting that 19 of the 23 Democrat women elected to the U.S. House of Representatives last week have never held office.

Same day, I stumbled upon this graphic from MoveOn:

Muslims and American Indians and lesbian mothers, oh my! Halal and gambling for all!

How is any of the "first" traits touted in this graphic a lawmaking skill and qualification?

Despite losing over 900 state elections and 100 national elections in the last decade, I've never vacillated in my belief that Democrats are just flat-out better at selling politics than Republicans are.

The Dishonesty of the Diversity Cult

Donald Trump's glass ceiling-shattering election, as our nation's first true civilian president, was far more historic than Obama's election of our first black president. But in Trump's case, Republicans weren't motivated to make history the way Obama voters were; they were motivated by fear of a President Clinton.



  1. Love that " Civilian President" label. So true,for some reason the swamp is against this outsider and anyone who stands with him. We need a peoples party and term limits so more civilians would run for federal level office.

  2. Diversity of opinions in not allowed in the Dem party. Obey the party line.


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