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Monday, November 19, 2018

Man dies after being stung by stingray at Australian beach

A 42-year-old Australian man died Saturday after a suspected stingray attack while he was swimming at a beach, police said.

The unidentified man was in the water near Lauderdale Beach around 3 p.m. Saturday when he was stung by a stingray, Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) reported. He suffered an injury to his lower abdomen and went into cardiac arrest.

“Attempts to resuscitate the male were unsuccessful,” Tasmania police said in a statement. “…He was removed from the water by friends prior to the arrival of emergency services. It was reported he was unaccompanied in the water at the time of sustaining a puncture wound to his lower abdomen.”

The man’s friends and family gathered at the beach Sunday and held a private ceremony, ABC reported.

The beach, about 9 miles east of Hobart in Tasmania, is a popular swimming destination but also known to have smooth stingrays, the largest kind in Australia, and skates lurking in the water. Smooth stingrays are considered not aggressive and seen by divers, the Australian Museum wrote on its website.


1 comment:

  1. Another fool learns the hard way not to swim with the sting rays. Had to be right over top of it (just like Steve Erwin) to get struck in the abdomen. Stepping on one is bad enough, but not as deadly when stuck in the leg. Exposing your most venerable belly area to a stingray's barb it just flirting with death.


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