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Monday, November 19, 2018

After Botched Recount, Nelson Concedes To Scott In Controversial Florida Race, Giving GOP 52 Senate Seats

Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) conceded a hotly contested Senate race to Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) on Sunday - nearly two weeks after the midterm election and following two contentious recounts, Scott said in a statement.

"I just spoke with Senator Bill Nelson, who graciously conceded, and I thanked him for his years of public service," said Scott. "This victory would not be possible without the hard work of so many people. Now the campaign truly is behind us, and that’s where we need to leave it. We must do what Americans have always done: come together for the good of our state and our country."



  1. He only did so because soon there will be investigations who tried to commit fraud and he would be involved... So of course he bowed out...

  2. 3:35 - what's stopping the investigations? Get rid of the fraudsters so they can't muck it up in the future! Set an example that this type of criminal activity will be prosecuted!

  3. thank you Sen Nelson for you time working for NASA (Space Shuttle). Should have retired afterwards since your civil service as a Democrat sucked!


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