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Monday, November 19, 2018

Caravan forces short-term shutdown on U.S. border

Homeland Security shut down incoming traffic at the country’s busiest land-border crossing in order to harden the port of entry, Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said Monday.

Ms. Nielsen said she had gotten word a large number of migrants were preparing to “rush the border,” hoping to overwhelm U.S. authorities at the San Ysidro entry point, just north of Tijuana, Mexico.

“Unfortunately, some members of the caravan are purposely causing disruptions at our border ports of entry,” she said on Twitter.



  1. Mexico didn't close their southern border so we shut us southern border down. A shame the US citizens are trapped in Mexico.

  2. It's a good thing that some people in the so called caravan are causing trouble because it exposes who they really are.

  3. Let them rush, lock and load will get their attention!


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