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Thursday, November 29, 2018

State Dept.Funds Nonprofit That Provided ‘Material Support’ to Iran, Hamas

The State Department's bureau of political-military affairs continues to direct tens of millions of dollars to a nonprofit that paid a $2 million-dollar fine and admitted to providing "material support" to Iran, Hamas, and other groups the U.S. considers terrorists or terrorist-linked.

The lucrative contracts for IED and other bomb removal continued despite the Trump administration's tougher policies on Iran and pledge to undertake a maximum diplomatic and financial pressure campaign against Iran and terrorist groups linked to it.

The Norwegian People's Aid, or NPA, an Oslo-based humanitarian non-profit strongly affiliated with labor unions, has at least a six-year history of working for the U.S. Agency for International Development and more recently for the State Department for de-mining and other bomb-removal efforts around the world.


1 comment:

  1. Another reason to remove these funds from budget.


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