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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Don Lemon: ‘The Biggest Terror Threat in This Country Is White Men’

Monday on CNN, network host Don Lemon declared “the biggest terror threat in this country” to be white men, adding that “most of them radicalized to the right.”

Lemon made those remarks in reference to the fatal shooting of two black people in Kentucky, the bombs mailed to political figures, and the shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, which killed 11 people.

Lemon said, “Now, another one. And then you have all of them in a row. And, you know, we talked, we messaged about it a little bit this weekend. I keep trying to point out to people and not to demonize any one group or any one ethnicity. But we keep thinking that the biggest terror threat is something else, someone people who are marching, you know, towards the border, like it’s imminent. And the last time they did this, a couple hundred people came, and you know, most of them did get into the country, most of them got tuckered out before they even made it to the border.”



  1. You morons keep screwing with us and youll find out how terrifying we can be.

  2. No, in Baltimore and Chicago and a dozen other big cities, bombs aren't the weapon of choice where same-race deaths are so commonplace as not to be reported except in local MSM outlets. Ho-hum.

  3. NWO wants to wipe out the white race just like Hitler did the Jews, does no one else realize this?

  4. I'd like to hear from his "partner"...

  5. The media is indoctrinating guilt because they are losing more and more of the african american vote. The sad thing is its working. Sheeple.

  6. Another black man blaming all his troubled views on the white man

  7. Please bump this back up tommorow ?


  8. Don't watch CNN so don't know where this guy wandered in from. But I've never seen a comment or quote attributed to him that wasn't over the top, in addition to being just plain stupid. Contract is probably less lucrative than Kelly's was at NBC, but he'll be just as unemployed as her in due time. And no loss.

  9. Bring it on CUPCAKE DON.

  10. Thing is, his BOYFRIEND is a WHITE man.


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