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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

#WalkAway From Dems Rally Draws Hundreds of America-Loving Patriots

The gathering at Freedom Plaza in Washington, DC, on Saturday was a stark contrast to recent rallies where people dressed in black and held signs disparaging President Donald Trump and members of his administration.

The #WalkAway rally featured a sea of red, white, and blue-clad participants, waving flags, wearing Make America Great hats, and even pussy hats made infamous during the Women’s March were transformed into bright red, Trump-supporting headgear.

The success of a weekend of events to support Trump and Republicans ahead of the midterm elections on November 6 even impressed Brandon Straka, the former Democrat who launched the #WalkAway movement five months ago when he posted a video on his Facebook page urging others who are fed up with the failed policies and mob rule mentality of today’s Democrat Party to leave it.



  1. Just a few in inch location can make a difference.
    Some locations will have a higher concentration and might make a larger difference.

  2. So, let me see if I get this right?

    These snowflake liberals... no wait, that was last years thing.... these unhinged violent mob libs who were uneducated, and irrational, and purposely ignoring facts are now:

    "American-loving Patriots" since turning blue to red.

    Do any of you think for a half second before you speak?

    Classic us vs them division to control and distract.

    Keep on drinking the cool aid folks. Remember, if you wanna know who is the problem, just go find a mirror.


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