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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Democratic Attacks: Who's Paying?

One thing is for sure: the Democrats never give up trying to pull fast ones on their Republican opponents and force them to defend and explain things the Republicans never in a million years thought they'd have to defend and explain. Recent political history abounds with incidences of political attacks intended to blindside the Republicans, force them off their game, pull them far off message, and generally reset the daily political narrative to language the Democrats prefer. That these attacks are almost always spectacularly unsuccessful doesn't dissuade the Democrats from trying again and again.

A notable recent Democratic attempt was Dianne Feinstein's astonishing 11th-hour, 59th-minute ambush of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh with the totally unsubstantiated, embarrassingly vague "charges" of supposed sexual misconduct some unspecified number of years ago by Kavanaugh against one Christine Blasey Ford. The whole episode was laughable on its face from a legal standpoint: if you gave a Democratic defense lawyer a case in which the accuser couldn't identify the time or location when and where the incident allegedly took place, couldn't produce any corroborating witnesses, and demonstrably had lied in her basic story (Ford said she was afraid to fly yet had provably flown on multiple occasions for both personal and professional reasons), the defense lawyer would not merely be giddy with how easily the case could be won with "reasonable doubt," but would likely go to the judge and ask that the case be dismissed entirely for lack of evidence. No doubt, the request would be granted. It was and remains a ludicrous, transparent political ploy of the lowest kind.


1 comment:

  1. Ever notice how the dumbocrats accuse the republicans of protecting the rich, but it seems that the billionaires in this country own the dumbocrats?

    Bezos. Bought the Washington Post to use it to attack republicans and Trump.

    Steyer. Gives millions and millions to dumbocrat candidates around the country

    Blumenthal. No need to mention this idiots accomplishments

    Gates. His philanthropy organization supports left wing causes.

    Soros. Mr. Spooky

    I could go on and on.


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