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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Watch: President Trump Readies Plan to End Birthright Citizenship

President Donald Trump is moving forward with a plan to end birthright citizenship via executive action, he said in an interview with Axios released on Tuesday.

“On immigration, some legal scholars believe you can get rid of birthright citizenship without changing the Constitution,” Axios’ Jonathan Swan asked President Trump in the video interview.

“With an executive order,” Trump replied.



  1. Do it! We Patriots support you 100%!

  2. Liberals will go nuts! I love it! Screw them!

    Supreme court will uphold Trump as correct in his action, they will just loose it then.

  3. It's about time ! It's absolutely insane that I have to pay for the benefits that children of illegal immigrants receive ! Crazy.

  4. As well he should as no other country in the world has birthright citizenship. Plus, how in hell can a child born of people who are here ILLEGALLY, be a citizen of America? That's impossible. Those democrats are absolute idiots. We are behind you, President Trump.


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