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Sunday, September 02, 2018

Upcoming Art League Fundraiser An Important & Great Event

Americans, we're better then this! We must learn to agree to disagree in life, seriously. 

Palmer Gillis has taken a HUGE hit for sharing his views publicly and for what it's worth it is simply his opinion. It doesn't make Palmer Gillis a bad guy. 

In comments, some stated they wanted to pull up to his home in boats sporting their TRUMP 2020 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN FLAGS and like a good sport, Palmer has welcomed it. In fact, he's inviting anyone who wants to join in this fundraiser to do so.

Mr. Mark Odachowski and I have agreed to put together a grab bag loaded with Trump and yes, even anti Trump items to be auctioned off at this event, BECAUSE Mark and I, (and Palmer) can put our differences aside for a great cause. 

Put your differences aside people. We Conservatives are NOT reactive people. We are proactive. People who disagree with our platform simply see life in a different way. I'd rather be challenged with different points of views then to go through life surrounded with yes people. That, (to me) is a cult. Support this event and hey, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

P.S., Mark and I want to make it clear, (however) we will be providing the Pro Trump materials.


  1. The Fishing Center marina in West OC has many of these Trump flags flying this weekend. I even noticed a boat fishing near the bridge with a flag.

  2. Thank you Joe for stepping up and seeing the greater good for our community and the Art League

  3. Joe, can you be our Secretary of State?

  4. What will they have to eat. I heard On the Edge is playing , I love them

  5. Excellent way to show how to bury the hatchet.
    Where do we get details for the event?

  6. In the spirit of transparency it seems like palmer is asking for a truce and you are now caving in and promoting his event that may or may not be failing due to his own actions.

    Just because you published it doesn't mean you are directly responsible for his demise since it was also in the daily slime and the gateway pundit. Are they also offering a truce and promoting his event?

  7. art unites - see you there

  8. Surely this gives you the feeling of Pride that you never obtained from rants against those who have different opinions or viewpoints then yours. It took me many years to know I never had enough information to judge someone. Many time I assumed something on someone without knowing all the facts. I 've done my fair share of hating because our view points differ. Now I am lots older and smarter. It is not my place to judge someone. I look for the good, - agree to disagree - because their opinion does not have to be my opinion. I am happier knowing I have made friends from those I use to cuss and fuss about.


  9. 4:04 PM its called google

  10. Gillis didn't take a hit. He got a dose of his own medicine is what happened. He was insulting and condescending and got it thrown right back at him. Thanks but no thanks.

  11. I support Palmer in stating what he believes in. No one deserves to be ridiculed for their personal beliefs, and THAT is what makes America great.

  12. Marian Bickerstaff, ALOC Board PresidentSeptember 1, 2018 at 5:17 PM

    Palmer is an stand up guy and we are grateful for his support of the arts! The purpose of the party is to support the Art League of Ocean City in its mission to promote the artistic expression and appreciation for the creative arts in our communities. The art league is not political and embraces supporters of the arts without prejudice.

  13. The Gillis’ do so much for our town. They are wonderfully, kind, down to earth people. Everyone has the right to their own opinion. By doing this huge gesture they are truly going above and beyond. God bless them.

  14. ARTSY TARTSY. With all the problems we have in this county. This is what you care about?? Priorities.


  15. To: Mr. Albero:

    What a kind and decent thing to say. I am not a Trump supporter but I have many friends who are. We simply agree to disagree, with respect. I saw so much hate in these responses it made me sad. American is a great country. Let's keep it that way and show each other respect and dignity even when we disagree. (And yes I am Palmer's sister)

  16. As joe said , it is just an opinion like everyone else's
    Yu are just trying to make too much out of it

  17. A town that cannot provide publicly accessible toilet facilities for its visitors while hiding behind the excuse of vagrants is not a civil town at all. Forget Arts and Leagues. For nearly 5 weeks, Ocean City has been locking it's bathrooms on the weekends. Try taking an early morning drive North on Baltimore ave from South Division St to Somerset ave. Whatever the Town is doing address vagrants is not working. Watch carefully and you will see that they stash their bedding in a bin behind the Henry Hotel. Yes, they removed some benches and relocated some of the vagrants but must we look forward to wearing adult diapers when visiting this town?

  18. Joe I respect your tenacity and dedication but I'm truly wondering if the old adage "keeping your enemies closer" is in play here. I've been around long enough to know where Palmer started and where he is today came from nothing more thann persuasive gifting if you will. There is no dignity or character or integrity in a man that pays people off the establish steady business. Palmer has been and is just a puss. Trust me when I say this look a little deeper there's an anterior motive. This guy is buttering people up to try and secure county and city construction so he can continue to allocate resources further outside his safety net. You're letting the fox in the hen house

  19. It shows integrity Joe to set aside differences and work together for the good of a worthy cause. Today I watched the services of Senator McCain and found that former presidents, current congressmen and congresswomen were able to put aside their difference to pay tribute to a true patriot. I vowed that I would try not to let hate fill my soul over politics, yet I was one who got down in the gutters with many of the others. I apologize for my hateful words and am pleased that we can all move forward. The words you have written set an example to which we should all follow, in that we do not always have to agree or like the same president, but that we should treat others with dignity (as my mom said above). (Let’s be clear, I won’t be bidding on your MAGA items). 😉

  20. It shows your integrity to set aside differences and work together for the good of a worthy cause. Today I watched the services of Senator McCain and found that former presidents, current congressmen and congresswomen were able to put aside their difference to pay tribute to a true patriot. I vowed that I would try not to let hate fill my soul over politics, yet I was one who got down in the gutters with many of the others. I apologize for my hateful words and am pleased that we can all move forward. The words you have written set an example to which we should all follow, in that we do not always have to agree or like the same president, but that we should treat others with dignity (as my mom said above). (Let’s be clear, I won’t be bidding on your MAGA items). ��

  21. I am way okay with taking a hit for having an opinion, my skin is thick, but looking at the bigger picture can we see good in this and create a good outcome for our community by supporting the Arts and their adult and youth outreach.


  22. " paige long said...

    I support Palmer in stating what he believes in. No one deserves to be ridiculed for their personal beliefs, and THAT is what makes America great.

    September 1, 2018 at 5:12 PM"

    You are mixed up. He was extremely ridiculing. It would be one thing if he was merely "stating what he believes in." He wasn't doing that by anyone stretch of the imagination. He was insulting, hateful and condescending and RIDICULING. Go and read the so called opinion piece. Plus he stated some things as fact that are blatantly untrue. Fake News!

  23. "We Conservatives are NOT reactive people. We are proactive."

    You are exactly right and what we are NOT either is falling for the BS of this con artist. He stepped in crap right before he was to host a fundraiser. He is terrified it is going to flop and now has conned Joe and Mark into saving his butt. His disdain for the President's supporters was on full display.
    We won't forget. And we certainly won't bail him out.
    Anyway the President's supporters prefer a non profit that is a true asset to a community such as homework centers in low income neighborhoods, scholarships for low income students to attend private schools, school clothing help, etc.

  24. 6:00 Tell your brother that! His "opinion" was oozing with hate for President Trump supporters. His hate, disdain and contempt was apparent. He started it with his rambling hate filled "opinion" and this site readers reacted.

  25. What's the point of putting a Google satellite image in this post? Jealous?

  26. It shows integrity Joe to set aside differences and work together for the good of a worthy cause. Today I watched the services of Senator McCain and found that former presidents, current congressmen and congresswomen were able to put aside their difference to pay tribute to a true patriot. I vowed that I would try not to let hate to fill my soul over politics, yet I was one who got down in the gutters with many of the others. I apologize for my hateful words and am pleased that we can all move forward. The words you have written set an example to which we should all follow, in that we do not always have to agree or like the same president, but that we should treat others with dignity (as my mom said above). (Let’s be clear, I won’t be bidding on your MAGA items). 😉

  27. Well written article! For the other commentators, we can disagree on every topic but that is no excuse to be rude, threatening, or malicious to others. Be mature and act like educated adults. I would be disappointed to have raised some of you after seeing the behaviors that have exhibited here as well as around Ocean City. It’s honestly pathetic! Death threats and illegal behaviors? It’s an article, very well written too, and you can click away or have an open discussion. Im not sure why it takes higher intelligence to be kind to one another; and if you really want to express yourself so much then don’t be anonymous—that’s cowardly.

  28. What a great way to move on for such an event. Palmer and Sandy both do amazing things for the town of Ocean City, I’m glad he is able to put the rude and hateful things people have said about him for simply living up to his first amendment right! Even through this still shows what a terrific guy he is!

  29. Mr Gillis opened his big mouth now everyone is supposed to bow down to him because you made peace with him ? I don't think so Joe he insulted us fisherman and Trump supporters if you want to go to his bs art thing go but we Patriots will Not be there supporting this two faced fool.

  30. Is it amazing the individuals that support palmer give their name
    and the ones who do not are anonymou

  31. I think what you both(Sandy & Palmer) have done for the community more than anyone on this blog or who posted! The tunnel vision these people have is scary!! Anyone who has a different point of view other than their own, and you become black listed or called a terrorist! It’s starting to look like history is repeating itself, last century it started in Germany , this century it’s scary to say it’s starting here in the US! I’m not even a fan of Hillary one bit, but i am a fan of FREEDOM! So don’t be afraid to speak your mind, it’s our right!!

  32. Wow, from a neutral corner I just read the gillis's column in full to see what all the hub- bub was about and all I can say is wow! It was extremely opinionated, misinformed, an down right nasty in regards to trump. ( especially the part about not being able to digest their food because of the sight of the trump flags). I dont know but it seems to me if you are going to take such a bold public and aggressively negative stance on a subject like trump you had better be able to handle the same strong opinions forwarded back to you.

  33. Wow, from a neutral corner I just read the gillis's column in full to see what all the hub- bub was about and all I can say is wow! It was extremely opinionated, misinformed, an down right nasty in regards to trump. ( especially the part about not being able to digest their food because of the sight of the trump flags). I dont know but it seems to me if you are going to take such a bold public and aggressively negative stance on a subject like trump you had better be able to handle the same strong opinions forwarded back to you.

  34. 8:41 No it is not amazing. What rock are you living under. The news is full of stories where those against the President stalk, harass and even become violent toward President Trump supporters.
    What's amazing are the comments like yours-the number of people who are completely obsessed with the identities of people saying things you don't like. There can ONLY be one reason and that is so you people can start stalking harassing and possibility becoming violent.

  35. 11:37 Add threatening. But really like anyone cared they they weren't going to patronize the marinas anymore.
    Add unethical since he is on a planning Board and such a person can not ever be trusted to make a decision not based on their political beliefs. he might not be able to digest his food if he approves something for a supporter of President Trump.

  36. an insult to fishermen. Come on that this a stretch.. SO you must also support off shore oil drilling as Trump wants to do ( except for Florida THAT IS)

  37. I was by there yesterday and a question came up: why is the entire curb on his side of the street painted red?!? Is it a special no parking zone? Or just for special 1 percenters? Did the city paint it red? Just curious.

  38. The letter was "opinionated" . Is that not what free speech is all about?
    Does anyone have an issue with that?
    Seems to me that you do

  39. About youth programs, do you even know what the Art league does for our community and their youth programs?

  40. To the insulted fisherman, there will be very many patriots at this event. Now are you insulting attendees as well as the Gillis personal opinion? Is having an opposing opinion not Patriotic?

  41. 6:42 are you really accusing Joe of a pay off . I think not

  42. 7:31. It is not about "bowing down" , it is about setting aside differences for a greater cause. Are you up to that?

  43. 11:35 are you a stomach doctor as well

  44. I think you are wrong. These liberal communists have no place in American politics. They are heretics. They raise money under false pretense and use it to advance their anti-decency, one party global Communist agenda. If you oppose them, they smear your reputation just like this sack of shit Gillis did. Their lives and ideology do not matter as they are enemies of American freedom and Capitalism for all. You can go fund raise with them. That makes you a moron.

  45. The Gillis' are a generously giving family. They open their home multiple times per year, in an effort to support and raise funds for organizations they believe in. Without their time, help, and willingness to host large fundraisers, so many organizations wouldn't prosper. Their events are always such big successes. When they are not planning, they are attending and donating to other wonderful causes, by personally putting together auction items. Mrs. Gillis even donates her time as an incredible auctioneer. They take pride in their philanthropy, community, and lovely home. We are happy to call them friends, despite slightly different political views.

  46. I agree.... This is about putting our differences aside and supporting our community.

  47. The red curbs are placed by the City . In this case it is for the dumpster that serves the adjoining property . The street at that location cannot handle both side parking and the garbage truck. Nothing special

  48. As a registered Republican who voted Republican probably 85% of the time I believe calling me a communist is a bit of a stretch

  49. The Gateway Pundit ran the article as well. However, it gave a lot more details/history of Mr. Gillis. Im sure the Gillis family is regretting every word spoken in that op-ed. From what I hear, the backlash has been awful for him and his wife.

    1. Good bc we people on the shore have Longgggg memories.

  50. " Anonymous said...

    About youth programs, do you even know what the Art league does for our community and their youth programs?

    September 2, 2018 at 7:08 AM"

    Who said anything about "youth programs"? The question is what does it do for the local underserved children? Of course there are classes offered for the youth but how many lower income children are in the class? How many get a reduced rate or are welcomed for free if the parents can't afford to pay at all. How much outreach is done at the local schools looking for underserved children who are showing an interest in art? How many trips to galleries have been arranged for underserved children who show an interest or excel in art?

  51. "Anonymous said...

    The letter was "opinionated" . Is that not what free speech is all about?
    Does anyone have an issue with that?
    Seems to me that you do

    September 2, 2018 at 7:06 AM"

    Huh? You are making zero sense. No one asked them to have the article removed or even said they shouldn't have written it. THEY were the ones who were demanding the flags be removed from the marina because they couldn't "digest" their food (can you get anymore asinine then that!!!). And that people were offended by them. And if they weren't removed they were coming back to the marina (as if anyone cares!) They were the ones with the issue with free speech so people hit back.

  52. 7:06 - You are the problem. Gillis gets to rant and be rude but if the conversatives respond like fashion then that is a problem for you snowflakes. But why I expect anything different from you people blows my mind. You never change - guess what - in the words of your great leader 0bama - "elections have consequences" and now it is "your turn to get to the back of the bus"

    Hows that for graciousness you a$$hat?

  53. September 2, 2018 at 9:42 AM

    As the majority of his employees live in squalor? I wonder. Seems to be a "shore thing".


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