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Sunday, September 02, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Palmer Gillis is backpeddling what he meant in the article

Brian Judson
I am only going to address 1 issue in this article. That’s is that you are requesting these people remove the flags because they make you uncomfortable and you are unable to digest your food because of the discomfort these flapping fabrics cause. So you are saying that if these flags are removed from your view your digestive track will return to Normal so that you may enjoy your meal. So essential you are covering your head with a blanket to protect yourself from the monster in the closet and that if you can’t see the monster it doesn’t exist. “Out of sight, out of mind” So, what I’m saying is that this entire article is a blow hard piece to make an attack on the yachts and their owners. If trump and his policies truly upset you to the point on not being able to eat you would have starved to death a long time ago. So essential this display of free speech upsets you merely because you don’t agree with it and that inability to respect another’s opinion and have a meaningful discussion is the cause of this divisiveness you speak of. #HTFU
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Palmer Gillis
The point was that it is that this display is not achieving the goal intended. Our solution is avind those dining establishments. A lowering tide lowers all boats . When have you seen in you life the politicalization of marina like this? I love free speech as wll as free choice
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Brian Judson
Palmer Gillis would you say the same for the NFL kneelers? Or does your own opinions, whether you agree with the players or not influence your opinion. Because to me there protest is exactly the same, it makes many people unable to digest pro football.

And speaking for the yachts owners what is their desired goal?

Palmer Gillis
Brian Judson
I agree with Trump about the NFL kneelers. I don't watch. The yacht owners desired goal is to promote Trump and that is their right. Our point was the unitended consequensce, call it collateral damage , that folks woh don't want to see while having a dinng experience wont go to those areas. The same logic, if you will , as the Conferdrate flags. I have no probelm with the Confederate flags myself, its history , but I see why many would. Is the intention of the Yacht owners to create that divisive environment and the business owners and their empoyess suffer as a result?


  1. I don't know about back peddling but sure does sound like the ramblings of someone who had a few too many.

  2. I don't understand why Mr.Gillis is trying to shove Victory down 'the
    jaws of defeats' throat. What do the 'cash registers' at the marinas and local businesses say about the Flags? We know that Royal Plus is appreciative and grateful.( thank you Mark O!!!)

  3. Palmer's backpedaling so fast he's gonna end up on his arse.

  4. Bottom line...it's all about money.

  5. How do you know what folks don't want to see while dining ? I look at my food and my company while dining , if I glance out the window and see something that makes me uncomfortable I don't look. How in the hell can a flag make you feel uncomfortable unless you would lose some money while looking . Dear Palmer Gillis , it's obvious you are afraid of something , don't know what it is but I will guess that it involves $$$$$. By the way , who in the hell is this guy "Palmer Gillis"?

  6. To answer your last question, Palmer, absolutely not and if a stupid flag with our current President's name on it upsets you, they don't care one iota.Why should they? Please note that NONE of them flew an Obama flag for the full 8 years we all had to eat our gruel during his illegal administration.

    You just need thicker skin, that's all.

    Grow the heck up.

  7. Another cry baby liberal. Like obummer said elections have consequences. GO TRUMP!

  8. Palmer gilliss is realizing that there are too many skeletons in his closet and should have kept his liberal ass mouth shut. It happens to them ALL. A man experiences a little success and totally forgets his humble beginnings. Palmer is much rather have to deal with the lower eshylon of salibury's society than be in company with the likes of you and all of salibury's fake pretentious so called leaders. Your day will come

  9. I think palmPa gilliss is realizing that if they dig deep enough and reasearch his unprecedented "ability" to outbid every contractor for city of salisbury work for 30 plus years there's something wrong. Palmer let's face it you're dirty and prison would be a death sentence for someone like yourself. You know it, we all know it youve been less than honorable in building your business

  10. My skin is actually pretty thick . How are these comments back peddling in any way? If these were Obama flags the feeling would be the same.
    Read the editorial again.

    Please expose the corrupt , law breaking facts that you claim for me.

  11. 8:15, Palmer, I have to agree. If people open their minds and stay honest, IF these were Obama flags we would certainly feel the same.

    As for the corrupt comments and other personal attacks, one thing I'll give you, at least you're man enough to use your name. Cowards hide behind anonymous. While people have the right to their free speech, no one should ever give credibility towards an anonymous comment.

    My viewers know that if they send me a letter to the editor or a viewer writes, I will keep their name anonymous. However, I will have that e-mail on record.

    Finally, I think it's important people understand the main point of your message. While I personally feel it was a mistake to go public with your opinion, (the beginning of your message) you followed the words of Ben Carson with "empathy and humility".

    MAGA Trump 2020

  12. Mr. Gillis, the signs for your business offend me and ruin my experience of driving around town. Please have them removed. Thank you.

  13. Hey Palmer, Middle class working people have trouble with their digestive track too! It's because they work their ass off and eat hot dogs because they don't get food stamps like the non working people. Also they are paying for those folks to have crabs with their food stamps! Meanwhile, unlike those folks and YOU, they can't afford to go to the doctor for their digestive issues due to the high premiums by Obama! MAGA!

  14. 144 comments on the DT site? This morning there's only 21.

    How did that happen?

    OOPS! What's that on Palmer's shoe?

  15. I don't know the guy personally, but know who he is and have seen him out and about. So, Gillis is trying to clarify the point he tried making in the letter to the editor and that point is you didn't see those flags on boats when Obama was president. To that I say that when Obama was president he didn't get trashed at every turn by the media. In fact, the media mostly turned and looked away at Obama's missteps and failures. A Harvard study showed that 90% of the media reports on Trump are negative in nature. The folks making the decisions to wear MAGA hats and shirt, or fly a Trump flag on their boat, are simply showing their support in an environment where the media wants everyone to believe that no one supports Trump and everyone hates him. Had Trump been getting the same shake from the media that Obama did, many voters wouldn't see the need to show their support for a president that has done nothing but fulfill his campaign promises in light of the fact he's working against such a strong tide of media lies and deception.

  16. Who really gives a flying F'... This is just the mans opinion and means nothing... The ones you should and need to worry about are the ones who think and feel like this but can affect change, like a mayor or senator or the like... But nooooooooooo Lets show everyone, and the world how stupid you people are here in SBY...

    1. My guess he’ll be running soon

  17. Typical liberal PROJECTION. The only divisive environment created is the fact he isnt comfortable seeing support for Trump, draining the swamp and exposing and prosecuting all the government corruption. The only division created was that "he" shouldnt have to be reminded of the changing environment while eating, he likely has good reason to worry.
    I'm sorry your girl lost, America won, bring rope.

  18. Trying to walk it back after so much outrage is total BS. For them to even publish such trash or opinion is totally ridiculous. It should and no doubt cause potential customers to look elsewhere. Your opinions should not be published with spewing such venom and is best not put in print. A real dumb ass move on your part!

  19. Hey Palmer, I too feel sorry for those business owners and employees crying on the way to the bank! think maybe they are making money off those tourists and yacht owners?

  20. I believe that Mr Gillis actually thought most readers of the DT would agree with his opinion. Even on the DT Face Book site -where people actually signed their name - 90% plus expressed they thought Mr Palmer was the one with the problem. Mr Palmer (and possibility the DT did not expect this outcome. Palmer, as an American has every right to express your opinion,and it is your right not to support President Trump - BUT to use the excuse that those Trump flags took away his ability to enjoy a meal is, IMO asinine.

    Mr Gillis that makes you a MeMe, it's all about Meeeee.. . I am amazed more of your Liberal friends didn't defend your opinion on DT Facebook or SBYNews, Perhaps you are unaware conservatives out number Liberals on the Shore when it comes to President Trump.. . A breathe of fresh is the .majority. ruled this time sir...

  21. To: 8:46 AM

    Well said!

  22. 9:00 it goes beyond an opinion. He is lying and if the old man thinks for one second too many are fooled he is sadly mistaken. He is an angry hateful old man who has finally showed his true colors. An opinion does include lies like he did. He's a BSer. His claim alone that Wall St are the ones befitting is an out and out lie. If the old man has any morals he would tell the whole truth and that is many middle and lower middle class are benefiting because of their 401k's. Just like the rest of his type the lying dishonest immoral he won't tell the whole truth.

  23. Look at the bright side - the Gillis's won't be hanging around Sunset Maria or much of the West OC restaurants/bars!!!

    Talk about MAGA

  24. Keep the flags flying!

  25. Palmer, as a professional government swamp rat, you SHOULD be repulsed and get indigestion at the sight of a Trump flag.

    I understand your position here.

  26. "Anonymous said...

    My skin is actually pretty thick . How are these comments back peddling in any way? If these were Obama flags the feeling would be the same.
    Read the editorial again.

    Please expose the corrupt , law breaking facts that you claim for me.

    August 30, 2018 at 8:15 AM"

    So typical. When you can't defend when you step in crap and realize the big ass you made of yourself you come up with some ridiculous hypothetical. There were any obama flags for a reason and there isn't going to be any for the same reason so that is a non issue. Instead of commenting on a site go see a gastro and a shrink for your Trump Derange Syndrome. You can't digest your food. I hope you realize the ass you made out of yourself and your family by proving to all you are a liar.

  27. It was beyond just an opinion. He stated lies that he tried to make out as facts.

  28. I support the President of the United States of America.

  29. So let me get this straight...Palmer says that people will not patronize these restaurants because it makes them sick to their stomach to see these flags, correct? That's fine, it is there right to eat wherever they want. How does he know this? Is he interviewing every patron that leaves the place? I also wonder about the opposite effect. How many other patrons are now seeking out the restaurant so they can see the flags? Can you answer these questions Palmer? All I hear a crickets....

  30. Boy, Palmer really needs some grammar and spelling lessons. #MAGA #Trump2020

  31. Liberal Trump haters make me sick but there is nothing I can do about it. One thing is for sure, I will not do business with anyone that doesn't respect the office of the president of the United States.

  32. Those flags flying? Try to think of them as the diversity that you've called for for so long.

  33. I have yet to hear a complaint from anyone or any business about a downward trend in business because of what flags are flying in the marinas. On the contrary, one server told me that tips have been excellent of late on the inlet.

  34. If it makes them sick to their stomachs it's because they've been conditioned by the MSM to feel repulsed, angry and even ill by anything Trump, even the good things. That says a lot about the power of the media and the weakness of its captive audience.

  35. 10:34, I had heard that also. I didn't reference it thinking it had no relevance. I guess when you think about it, the Trump supporters are a more generous crowd. They spread their spoils, unlike liberal's hoarding their's. Good point!

    In my humble eyes these flags are a beautiful sight. They represent freedom on many levels. Something we have missed out on during the eight years we were held hostage by the crowd that once occupied our White House. Thank you everyone showing support for America's Chosen One.

    Trump/Pence 2020!

  36. Dear Palmer Gillis, shut the f up. You do not speak for many of us.

  37. go get you some rolaids pr pepsid. You're gonna need it. Maybe you better get a good supply. Maybe those crumbs don't matter to you, but it makes a big difference to us little man tax payers. Since you are along the lines of the left maybe you should be sharing your wealth with the rest of us. MAGA TTTRRRRUUUUMMMMMPPPPPPP 2020

  38. Either Mr Gillis is intentionally misleading the public or he is ill informed as to the dynamics of seasonal employment in Ocean City. US college students have not been the predominate seasonal work force in Ocean City in almost 30 years. It is a local workforce because just like everywhere else retail and the service industry has replaced manufacturing and other blue collar jobs.
    With this being said at the beginning of the season people from all over the lower shore flock to Ocean City to fill out applications. Many are low income blacks from not only Pocomoke but also areas in Delaware such as Seaford and the Eastern Shore of Virginia.
    These applications are dutifully taken only because the State Department requires just as in the agricultural industry that the foreign seasonal work force is needed. They have no intention of hiring these applicants.
    The reality is they are not needed foreign employees. Employers most but there are exception-- some hire foreigners because they for the most part are good employees but do so also for because it is interesting for cultural reason--are hiring them for reasons such as savings on having to match SS, Medicare and they will not collect unemployment. In other words it saves them money.
    I don't know who this man is but he should really verify what he states before having it published as facts because false information benefits no one and clouds the rest of what he claims.

  39. The Confederate flag is NOT a flag of Hate. It is a battle flag. Not a flag of the South, not a flag of slavery. It was a symbol that one side could tell one side from the other. A battle flag and a battle flag alone. Many fly that flag not as a symbol of hate nor slavery. They fly it for many of their family fought in that war. Many fought not that they wanted to but because they had to. As much as a few states used slavery as a reason for secceeding that was only a small factor of the reasons. The primary reason was for ecomomics and their way of life against a Govt that they did not want to take over them. Many had to fight for their homes and families. Many only picked arms to fight when soldiers came to pillage them. Would you not take up arms to defend your home and families should a Govt try to come take you over and pillage your home and family and leave you with nothing to die. Including food? Its easy enough to do some searching into history instead of believing the propaganda thats feeding fed to you. The civil war was not over slavery for the most part and that flag had nothing to do with slavery! Lincoln did not want to be a President of only half a county, he wanted to be President of a UNITED country and that meant taking the South. He used slavery as a ploy to gain support to make that happen. Not saying he was wrong in his thinking. so when you see that Confederate flag flying think of the ones that fought in a war that had no choice to fight. It was their families that they were fighting for. NOT slavery one way nor the other. Do some history lessons its easy enough!

  40. Today, the vessels at Angler’s in OC are sporting the Trump 2020 banners.

  41. Palmer is a good guy who does a lot for the community including the art league

    1. Palmer looks out for Palmer. Nothing more. Nothing less.

  42. We need to boycott Gillis gikerson. I will be damed if I spend any more money with them. There are plenty of other construction companies to choose from. Palmer is vocal on his views so we should also.

  43. We all have the right to be wrong. Enough piling on.

  44. He thinks that just because he has money, it makes him somebody. 'I'm Palmer Gillis, I am somebody. You WILL listen to what I have to say. I'm better than you'. Well, he is not better than anyone else on the shore. If he does not like the flags, then don't look at them, fool.Don't go away mad, just go away.


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