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Sunday, September 02, 2018

Spoof Queen Sarah Rayne Begs For Money For Salisbury Maryland LGBT Community

Moments ago, former, (fired) employee of The Daily Times who was fired for her involvement of a phone spoof has resurfaced begging the community for donations to support the LGBT community in Salisbury. She claims the Blogs are mean, homophobic and well, you can read.

It never ceases to amaze me just how much these people LIE, especially Sarah. 

It's not about hate and the rest of the laundry list of attacks you place on me. I guess everyone is a racist, homophobe, haters and whatever if we simply disagree with a flamboyant rainbow colored illegal cross walk in the heart of Downtown Salisbury. Because the mass majority disagreed, your group created LIES and proved your HATE towards anyone who disagreed with your quest to take over their community. 

You proved that everyone gets a trophy failed. Your group reminds me of a hundred pound 2 year old lying on the grocery store floor screaming and crying because mommy won't give you a candy bar and your mommy is just standing there ignoring you while pissing off everyone in the store. 

I guess we're "intolerant" because we simply disagree, wow. Just how many names did you call us, (above)? Who's proving to be the hater now. By the way Sarah, most men are lesbians too. 


  1. Lets Get Behind Trump is better.

  2. “Crosswork” ? Apparently she’s also a dumb a$$

    1. Too many donuts got in her way on the computer.

  3. Wait a minute. The road these people painted doesn't belong to them. It belongs to all the taxpayers. What gives these people the right to paint any public property any way that THEY want it? Without approval, isn't this simply vandalism?

  4. I thought the paint and tools were being supplied for them....she wants donations for the paint?

  5. When is the city going to repaint the crosswalk to regulation code and required paint for safety standards?

  6. I thought Jake Day paid for the paint out of his reserve service payments ? What the queens got STIFFED for all their hard work in heels AND the paint ? We should have just made them all crossing guards and saved the paint.
    Here you go honey hold my hand.......not so fast I am a man in heels. Oh my eyelash fell off. Don't hold my hand so tight deary these nails are stick on.
    I love your Hello Kitty Back Pack .

  7. That crosswalk is already messed up people have been burning rubber across it.
    They are lined up to do so.

  8. PFlag ?
    I will piss on that rainbow flag.

  9. I can't Wait for the Snowflakes civil gay war to start .

    1. Come on and make the first move big guy. I wish you would.

  10. It's ugly. My family went to the library last night and my kids asked me what had happened. I'm not sure why it has pink in it. It looks like it won't last long with cars riding over it. I don't care about the symbolism because a rainbow to me means God won't flood the earth again. It is still ugly.

  11. Their backing is immense.No locals will challenge.

  12. I can't wait until we meet.

  13. Salisbury has always been the gathering place for gays , I can remember 45 years ago at least . I don't know why but they were never in the so called closet , I wish they were now. It certainly confuses religious children , whom I admire.

  14. Something that is troubling to me is that the Coastal association of Realtors has someone as politically liberal as Sarah for their representative. Not only is she that way but her husband posts liberal posts too. They live it with every breath.

  15. Typical libs.They wanted to do something (paint a crosswalk) but of course wanted others to pay for it.

  16. It's a distracting for drivers and should meet highway code colors?

  17. The LGBT community should be sued for the violation of painting crosswalks illegal which is against State Law which designates the guidelines for crosswalks. They should also be sued for the paint and labor to repaint these crosswalks. They should also be fined for the destruction of City / County / State / private property since they also painted an utility box. Totally vandalism of Public / Private property.

  18. It's hard to believe she is the Coastal Board of Realtors, Legislative person.

  19. Personally, I'm celebrating being born (and remaining) a biological male. I also prefer the opposite sex, exclusively and passionately!
    I usually keep these facts to myself. My sexual preference is no one's business except for mine. After a few minutes in a social setting my situation becomes obvious, though.
    Mr. Mayor, in all fairness, may I have an intersection I can paint to celebrate MY lifestyle and the lifestyle of my many friends?
    ....Or somehow would that be seen as homophobic and discriminatory?

    1. Homophobic and discriminatory, you are correct. However to prosper equality you and any other group, no matter how minor should have the right to do the same to any cross walk in town, liberals don't see it that way though. The minority has to be given "special privileges" in order to "feel" equal. Keyword is feel/feelings.

  20. That's the ugliest thing I've ever seen! (I'll let you decide if I mean the crosswalk or Sarah). No polical stayemstat of any kind should be painted on then pavement it's a safety hazard (distraction). Imagine it was painted blue and said keep america great! There's be all kinds of media attention about how wrong it is!

  21. All this is no problem for me I will just not do business downtown until the paint is gone. Its really an easy problem to solve. I do not respect that their lifestyle is being forced on me. I don't force my beliefs on them but I haven't forgotten what GOD did to Sodom and Gomorra and I am sure that 90% of the residences of Salisbury haven't either. Just forget that down town even exist. Its easy.

  22. They aren't satisfied to live their lives.
    They feel an overwhelming need to plaster their symbolism everywhere possible and feel they MUST shove this strange and whack sh** in everyone else's face.
    THAT is really what is pissing most (that's right, most) of the people off.
    And believing you have the right to deface PUBLIC PROPERTY because, well, because you are strange.
    I want the law enforced equally. What do you think would happen if you or I went to Tilghman Rd and painted something on the intersection? On FILM?
    YOU would be arrested, that's what. Charged and made to pay for the restoration of the pavement to it's state mandated markings.
    No one has announced yet that deviant cross dressing whack jobs are protected by Two Sets of Laws ---- or did they barge their way into that club?
    Keep cheering.

  23. The rainbow crosswalks are a project more appropriate for a group of grade school kids than the group of adults responsible for it.

  24. To me it's not that it's a rainbow but that it looks so incredibly tacky. If they want rainbows then put some rainbow flags on utility pools. It doesn't look right for downtown. I would think the officials would want the area to look classy for the festival. The crosswalk is by the library so a reading themed painting would have been so much better. Even cobblestones or bricks would have been nicer.

  25. Just read the city
    Paid $93,000 to wrap the parking garage also. I really am getting sicker by the day over this BS they are doing downtown. Absolutely ridiculous. All for a stupid festival nobody wants anyway except for the gay community

    1. Jake is breaking the city. I can only imagine what will happen if Heath gets in there. The spending will never stop.

  26. Did they get the required legislation to accept the “gift” of the crosswalks from the city council? I don’t recall seeing it on the agenda.

  27. Sarah and her husband are destructive people who lie to get their way. It’s sad that she represents a professional association. They should really take a good look if she is who they want as their face, I think it’s embarrassing.

  28. I've got some old leftover paint stripper I could donate. Who do I contact, or should I just donate in place myself?

  29. Bunch of hypocrites. They bash SUPPORTERS of the PRESIDENT. Yet now they want us to forget that and give these PERVERTS money?? GTFOH. I'll give money to a hundred different legitimate causes before I'd give it to the PERVERTS. HEY GO ASK GILLIS. HE LOVES PERVERTS. HE EVEN SAID SO.

  30. All for 2 percent of the population. Ridiculous

    1. Same as BLM and the Black Panthers SO why do we ALLOW IT ?

  31. here's a solution. Just go paint a pretty Trump sign beside the rainbow. Make sure the name Trump is in bold colored letters. After all its ok to paint in that area. Whats legal for one is legal for all. Right Sarah and Jake?

  32. You folks already piggyback off the civil rights bill to show off your Sodom and Gomorrah blasphemous behavior in the faces of true Christians. Go apply for a federal grant. You folks had a president who signed soooooooooo many bills on your behalf that allowed you all to frolic in public like men dressed in women clothing and women clothing. I encourage you to apply for a federal grant. Oh! I'm sorry. President Trumps administration will deny the request. So, have a bake sell. I recommend that you sell. Maybe have a yard sell that most American adult taxpayers and children do when they need money.

  33. She's Butthurt that her libtard gay buddies like Josh Hastings didn't get endorsed by her employer the Coastal Association of Realtors. Isn't this the second election in a row they snubbed her gay friends for their elections.

    Memo to the Coastal Association of Realtors:


  34. Sarah Rayne
    August 30 at 11:37 AM ·

    I just want to thank Jacob Day and Mark DeLancey for providing an opportunity for the local, irrelevant bloggers to showcase their homophobia and ignorance for all to see. Your rainbow crosswalk is gorgeous. The crosswalk is not part of a liberal agenda. It's a group of human beings celebrating who they are. If any of my gay brothers and sisters are feeling hurt by the bloggers, please remember that THESE 👏 JOKERS 👏 ARE 👏 IRRELEVANT. They hate themselves and the only way they have figured out how to deal with that is to try and hurt other people. Feel sorry for them.

    Liked by: Michele Gregory, Jared Schablein, Julia Glanz, Jacob Day, Mark DeLancey, Alana Cook, Chuck Cook, Cory Statler Perdue, Jessie Trostle Cocci, Mary E Mazzullo, Jackie Welfonder, Libby Weisner, Sarah Meyers, Martin Hutchison, Julie Brewington, Bill Duck, Suzanah Shivery Cain, Carol Rose, Violet Elliott, George Connelly, Sherry Mahon, Andrew Heller, Bonnie Lake Bloomfield, Jordan Laine Murphy, Mike Jarrell, Dylan Williams, Caitlin Wright, Angie Foxwell Bowman, Babs Compton, Amy Lyn Wagner, Claire Hernandez Bankert, Tina Mader Melczarek, Georgette Eck, Julie Parsons, Bryan Anderton, Ashley Nicole Hill, Mark N. Decker, Casey Baker-Anderson, Kacey Carlyle Martin, Ashley Harris Johnson, Katie Warrington, Jordan Gilmore, Kate Deckenback, Kirstin Mason, Leslie Pusey, Megan Wintersteen, Brittany McLain, Mean Willy Beamin, Alex Wersen, Shiloh June Wersen,
    Brittany Lindsey

    1. Hey Coaatal Realtors we are going to BOYCOTT You and your AGENTS.

    2. Waiting to see Jimmie Gladwell’s name supporting it. Guaranteed that, if Jake Day supports something, Jimmie Gladwell is gonna support it. His nose is so far up Day’s butt it’s ridiculous. But, I guess when it has gotten you promoted in the past, you keep on keepin on. Anything for rank huh Bootsie?

    3. Our God sits back.and laughs at.the evil devils dressed up as human beings flaunting their perversions so all can see

    4. I don’t know where I wrote I’m a homophobe? Hmm. Anyways can each group pick a crosswalk each for everyone that wants to rep their beliefs?

  35. Anonymous, anonymous, anonymous.. cowards

    M. McJilton

  36. That "spoof" took place not months ago but six years ago, in 2012. It stands out in my mind because you said a phone spoof was literally impossible. Several viewers sent you instructions on how a spoof could be accomplished and you called them liars. It's funny, now that it is to your advantage, in relaying your latest Sarah Saga - you mention that drama six years ago was a spoof..

  37. Take the few minutes you spent posting to this blog and email or call your local legislators. Specifically demand what you want to see done about this.


    Answer me this WHY do gays and the QRSTUVWXYZ Community support DemocRATS the same group that want open boarders do they Not Realize that open boarders will bring ISLAM ? And what does Islam represent DEATH TO GAYS time for these people to switch sides if they want freedom and freedom of expression NOT that I agree with it but these Gays and Snowflakes better WAKE UP.

    1. Boooom
      But they as usual will wait until it's too late.

    2. This comment needs it's own response.

    3. Better idea let's let them bring Islam, take them on, then we can fight Islam after they have been weakened by press on nail scratches, slaps and high heels to the groin.

  39. Go back in your closet and stop trying to force your perversion on normal people.

  40. Proudly posted on Facebook.

    Mayor Jake Day thank you for the photo op with me and your endorsement.

    Julie Brewington is eating dinner with Jacob Day at Market Street Inn Restaurant & Pub. 15 hrs · Salisbury, MD ·

    Nice seeing Mr. Mayor out tonight!

    1. Damn Jake day playing both sides against the middle!! All you can see in a picture with those two in it are some F'd up teeth

  41. She is so intolerant of heterosexual men. She feels threatened by the subliminal confidence and power we exude.

  42. Time to stop beating your chest over being gay or black or white. Time to be standing tall to be an American. If we all did that and loved one another it would take care of a lot of issues. Divide and conquer is one of the oldest arts of war there is. This rhetoric is dividing a great nation.

  43. John Traitor McVain is finally getting buried time to continue "Making America Great Again".

  44. If i dont like your personal choices and you never throw them in the faces of my family you will never hear from me.

    But when you put immoral behavior on display for all to see then expect people to throw their opinion right back at you.

    If that makes us homophobic then I am fine with that. And to you i suppose the only way to not be homophobic is to give in tonyour wicked ways.

    Nobody wants to burn in hell with you.

    You are the minority. Accept it or force the hands of the majority.

  45. Obama Crooked BastardoSeptember 2, 2018 at 12:04 PM

    11:37 Dear Sarah, whether you like or don't like the Rainbow Crosswalk in downtown, is Irrelevant. IT IS NOT LEGAL and AGAINST THE THE LAW. As you mentioned in you post it was "the group of human beings celebrating of who they are". Well, there are other ways to celebrate without breaking the law. And to see Jake Day to be encouraging this activity really shows his priorities. I hope you raise enough money because you gonna need it to pay for the citations and fees associated with restoring the sidewalk to a legal condition accding to the safety code. How would you feel if another group of people started painting sidewalks around the city, would that be Ok?

    1. Paint some Donuts in front of her Trailer looks like she eats enough of them.


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