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Sunday, September 02, 2018

Mr. Gillis, Can We Talk About The Other "1 Percenters"? UPDATE!

While it absolutely kills me inside to be forced to go out and actually pay good money for this newspaper, the Daily Times refused to publish this article on line and it cost me $2.12 to buy this trash.

However, when I heard early this morning that this editorial was published I had to reach into my pocket and see with my own eyes what I had been told was in fact true. Well, it's even worse.

Mr. & Mrs. Gillis, I couldn't disagree with your views more, with all due respect. However, I must admit, I was seriously insulted in many different ways. 

Let's start from the beginning. You claim these Trump Flags are "uncomfortable and revolting". You then call President Trump "corrupt, a bully and divisive". You state that seeing these flags "is as revolting as a Confederate flag" WOW! Have you tried crossing the street in Downtown Salisbury, (below)?
Let's talk about bullies for just a moment, the other 1 percenters. Did you know the LGBT community have been harassing my advertisers every single day, calling me a bully and stating I host a homophobic hate blog and if they don't remove their ad they're going to hurt their businesses!

The BULLIES out there are the Left Wing Liberals who, (like you, with all due respect) throw out how much you respect our First Amendment Right and Free Speech while spewing your anger towards the very people expressing that very right, (anglers/bikers). 

Now when you look at my article from the other day on the crosswalks there are some 280 comments. I'm sure the The Daily Times will NEVER come close to the volume of comments you'll see here because the people you know who disagree with your point of view on the TRUMP 2020 Flag editorial will be forced to use their Facebook account and they don't want to be exposed.

I want to let the LGBT community understand something here, as well as their supporters. My viewers and advertisers have known for over a decade that I take advertising revenue and "Pay It Forward" back into the local community. When your people harass my advertisers they're only hurting the recipients of that philanthropy. So what you're doing is just plain stupid. I too have the right to my Free Speech and First Amendment, as do my viewers. Just because you may disagree with an article and comments in which I simply stated I'd leave the images up to commenters does NOT make me racist, homophobic, full of hate and whatever else was stated.

People like you seem to want to encourage only YOUR platform, (rainbow crosswalks) and CRUSH anyone with opposing views/rights. 

Let's talk about the "1 percenters". You see, you and your wonderful Bride enjoy the fruits of incredible deals in Salisbury Maryland and I'm sure most would agree, you are, (especially on the Shore) one of the 1 percenters. Rather then practicing what you preach, you do NOT live in Salisbury nor Wicomico County. You live in Worcester County where the taxes are much cheaper. Now, the 1 percenters are the very people creating those $15.00 minimum wage jobs, (and above) the Liberals/Socialists are demanding. Just because they own a yacht, (purchased well before Trump was elected) and choose to offer support for a guy who knows by lowering taxes, those 1 percenters will grow their businesses and create even more Economic Development/JOBS. They aren't out there like vultures waiting for the next subsidized housing government projects. They are risking their own money, (look in the mirror).

When you talk about the trillion dollar deficit, can we talk about inheritance from Obama? The ONLY way we can get out of such debt is by breaking away from the Liberal tax and spend platform. We must rebuild our own manufacturing and create FAIR TRADE. There's no doubt it will be painful. However, conservative Americans don't believe in bankruptcy. We have our own ownership to the word/phrase "PRIDE" and that word only recently became displayed in rainbow colors. SMost believe that America needs to be great again. The mass majority believe we are headed in the right direction. Why SHAME the very people who truly believe in Making America Great Again, especially after Obama.  
As you know, I will be providing close to 2,000 TRUMP 2020 flags to be displayed and given out for FREE for Bike Week. You know it's coming and I'm blown away that you would draft such an editorial knowing this is coming. Bikers are very proud people. They will not take to people claiming they can't digest their food when they see such mentioned flags and or ANYONE ever attempting to remove or destroy such mentioned flags on motorcycles, that would be a criminal act. Might I suggest you all take a vacation the week of September 13th through the 16th. 

By the way, I don't see the AMERICAN FLAG flying at any of your businesses/home. Practice what you preach!

Palmer's home is over 5,000 sq. ft. 
UPDATE: The house to the left is also a part of his estate.
And he wants to rip on the 1 percenters!


  1. Maybe Palmer's employees legal status should be checked. How many non-citizens does he have on his payroll. If the illegals get kicked out he will have to pay higher wages.

    1. I agree time for a TRUMP IRS AUDIT.


  2. I find it hard to eat when I see Americans being attacked by the very people Mr. Gillis seems to represent. The hate filled, socialist democrats. Palmer is a big fish in a little pond I think he may be afraid that when the playing field is evened out he won't be so big. Power is what the left craves after all. They want it so they can abuse it by stomping on those who don't agree. Doesn't sound so American does it?

  3. Gillis has raped and pillaged the eastern shore for his gain for year. Piss of Palmer!

    1. Yup and his home is paid for by the great prices on properties he gets from the city council for pennies on the $$$ there needs to be a FBI Investigation into the city and the POS Gillis for there CORRUPTION..

  4. Palmer Gillis writing this. How rich.

  5. Mr. Gillis is slowly losing it!
    Aside from his anti- Second Amendment rants, he's becoming quite near-sighted.
    In his closing his remarks “Consider displaying an American flag. After all, it is this country that put you in a position to afford these beautiful facilities and the luxury of owning such a possession, not Trump” he’s unable to see the many American flags flying right next to the PRESIDENTS flag!

    Mr. Gillis, like many repeat opinion writers, is just another progressive liberal mouth piece who seeks to divide.

    I, for one, will enjoy hanging out at Sunset Marina and NOT having to see his cry-baby face.

  6. I wonder if Palmer tells his accountant to ignore all the tax breaks his company receives so that he can pay more.

  7. Well stated, Joe.
    TRUMP 2020

  8. Wow, him calling Trump corrupt is the pot calling the kettle black!! Have he ever done a legal transaction in his life?

  9. Thank you Joe for fighting the fight.
    I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands...
    Go President Trump - we are behind you.

  10. This guy is totally disconnected from reality. He is probably one of the ones that also want the revenue cap to go away.

  11. G.G. is so off base, wish him well in therapy.

  12. I don't understand how they survive in the world if a flag supporting the POTUS offends them. Something truly offensive must send them into a fit of convulsions.

  13. Joe, thank you very much for taking the time to share a wonderful rebuttal to my mention of the back page article. Your response is a work of art and hit the nail on the head. Maybe Mr. Palmer needs to leave the country and enjoy his food with a country flying a socialist flag. I simply cannot believe how in the hell he is so offended after eight years of a total waste in Obama who destroyed this country. I hope that with two terms of Trump we can get our country Great Again. Sorry you had to pay that awful price of $2.12 for the Daily Rag. Next time I will forward to you articles like this so you don't have to give a dime to the fake news. Hope you have a nice day!!!

  14. LGBT = Let's Get Behind Trump

  15. Palmer, I have watched your antics for Many years and am Not impressed. Many of your 'dealings' are questionable at best...

    As far as your politics; everyone has the right to be a fool and you took that right to heart. The far left is not something to be proud of.

  16. Who cares what gillis have to say. They are just more of the low class unsophisticated, uncultured probably inbreds because there is no other explanation for how goofy they are who inhabit the city. They have all these ideas on how to bring the city alive again and because they don't get off the shore much and are so unsophisticated it fails.

  17. Gillis - follow the money Gillis, has made money off of the City Of Salisbury and Wicomico County for YEARS! I wonder who had inside knowledge on the farmland prior to the bypass being built? I wonder who had connections and was able to build anything get around anything to do it.

    Communist is all he is in reality.

    1. There needs to be a FBI Investigation.

    2. Great idea !!! The FBI has done such a terrific job investigating Hillary and Obama. They have spent two years investigating President Trump
      and found NOTHING. Gotta give them credit for such outstanding investigating work.

    3. Smart mouth and know it all...total jerk !

  18. Sad and sickening? When did the two of you become the moral authority? I'm so glad you made your hysterical position public. Now I know which fund raisers and events to avoid in Ocean City.

  19. Right 10:18 they are trash pure trash. You have to wonder who raises garbage like him. More garbage of course. They know how to multiply but when it comes to being parents who teach their young honesty and morals they fail. Animals raise young with more morals then the filth that raised Gillis.

    1. Terri Donoway BrownAugust 30, 2018 at 9:39 PM

      Anonymous, you brave keyboard warrior. First, I know Palmer.
      He's my uncle. I'm not his defender and he doesn't need one. If you truly knew him, you know the truth, to you keyboard warriors, well last time I checked you don't pay my bills and your opinion means nada.
      However, "anonymous" the "garbage" that raised Palmer happens to be my deceased grandparents and the deceased great grandparents of my daughter. My grandparents were wonderful people, great parents, and decent humans. So while you can tell yourself that you are a fine humanitarian, you just showed that you lack bravery, humanity, intellect, and class. Thank you for showing me the types of people that hide behind anonymity, and wish nothing more than to lick Trump's shoes. Have a nice day "Anonymous."

  20. He's "uncomfortable" seeing a flag? what a paranoid nutjob. Someone needs to check themselves in for a mental evaluation because if seeing a flag makes you "uncomfortable" you are an extremely dangerous person.

    1. Maybe he wants to see a China commie flag.

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. Trump and obama- dividers in chief!

    1. WRONG that was Obastard Trump is trying to bring back America and if you want open boarders move to IRAN U POS.

    2. Thanks for the advice, where do they move if we want open borders though?


  23. What a wussy...hard to digest food because something I can look at and see offends me...face it big boy,you don't always get your way

  24. The rainbow road painting makes me sick to my stomach. So we really don't care if seeing Trump 2020 flags make you sick. Just close your eyes. Nobody cares about your opinion because as you stated "you're not Trump fans"...and with that statement being made your opinion holds no value.

  25. You're offended by a rainbow?

    1. Post your address so we can paint a thin blue line in front of your house.

    2. It is not a rainbow, it is the fact that a minuscule group has been allowed to deface property owned by the citizens which the MAJORITY of don't want to see every day and what it is suppose to represent being shoved in our faces. If they are going to allow that then they should allow any group to paint any crosswalk with what they want, that would be EQUALITY!!

  26. we advertise with Joe Albero and we have been receiving hate messages on our face book page threatening us if we do not take down our ads. However we do not bow down to threats nor do we punish or judge for others difference of opinion. Everyone should be aloud to have there own opinions and beliefs with out having others beliefs pushed on us. Daily times has a duty to there readers to report all news regardless of there beliefs. though i have noticed there paper each day are extremely slim, with a lot of typo's.

  27. I bet he took advantage of the tax cuts and didn't send any money back to the Federal Government

  28. “Limo Libs” are among us!

  29. whats da matter palmer? your eyes hurting you? touch to be a snowflake huh?

  30. Love those flags !

  31. The sidewalk wouldn't offend them because they are of a lower class never introduced to the finer things in life like good taste and refinement. They are vulgar crude types.

  32. Well said Joe.

  33. He acts like he is some pennyless hobo

    = When visiting the beautiful marinas and restaurants surrounding these rich folks' yachts...

    These rich folks?

  34. Home is on multiple lots on Canal Street in Ocean City.

  35. I would have written an editorial about the sweetheart deals Gillis has received at the expense of the city taxpayer but I know the Daily Slim would never publish it.

    1. Joe I agree with this comment please do a article calling for a Gillis / city of Salisbury council IG Investigation.

  36. What I find interesting is that this - small town big fish in a little pond - thinks he and his opinion are so important that he lectures us little fish on what we should be thinking.

    Such eye opening insight into this man's ego.

  37. One thing is clear in this town - you can tell who is new and old money. No need to say more!!!!

  38. Can we paint a gay lesbian couple in front of his Million $$$$$$ home ? I hope the IRS do a nice AUDIT ON YOUR BITCH ASS.

  39. 11:23 I bet SBYNEWS would publish it! Sumbit!!

    One thing is for sure in this town...you can easily distinguish between those with old money, and those with new. And there is no need to elaborate beyond that point.

  40. SNOWFLAKES ON THIS BLOG HAHAHAHA. “Someone said something about trump so I have to defend him and his honor” TRUMP is working for his own interests he doesn’t care about America.

  41. They are at the top of the heap in the area, but it's still a heap.

  42. STOP sending in PERSONAL attacks. We are NOT Liberals. Conservatives don't need to act, do or say things out of hate. If you don't see your comment it's because you were out of line. Disagree, fine. Personal attacks, not going to happen.

  43. "Anonymous said...

    I would have written an editorial about the sweetheart deals Gillis has received at the expense of the city taxpayer but I know the Daily Slim would never publish it.

    August 29, 2018 at 11:23 AM"

    Little man gillis is part of the local swamp and is running scared because tax payers are wising up to his ways. He hates the honesty out of President Trump because he is not an honest moral decent man. Nothing burns garbage like gillis up more then an honest man like the President. It's probably also burning him up because stricter immigration is costing him more in wages. Don't worry gillis we have your number-you are scared of real men like President Trump.

  44. He's such a liar. If he doesn't know we have his number he's clueless. He finds the President Trump flags "uncomfortable and revolting" ONLY because it reminds him that wages are going up and the steady stream of immigrants ready, willing and able to work for slave wages is drying up. He's trying to spin it into a moral thing but don't worry Gillis we have your number and your true motivations. Only fools will fall for his lies.

  45. Ask anybody in the area how they benefitted from eight years of Obama and get either a blank stare or some babble about how much better things got, but no specifics.

  46. You would think people in glass houses....

  47. We now know that they are low information liberals who regurgitate lies that they are being fed from CNN and the like. Grown adults who think like this are sad.

  48. At least they had the courage to stand up and sign their names which is more than you jealous haters have the courage to do . And these comments are not personal attacks. Get to the subject and the facts, no matter how inconvenient they may be
    Hate on you angry people !

  49. His comments are typical of arrogant liberals... people in Salisbury should boycott anything he touches.. they are worthless

  50. Like he has any morals. He's so full of BS. He's spent a lifetime on his knees brown nosing politicians so he can suck off tax payers. If he were raised with any morals he would be ashamed and just stay in his lane the cess pool. Last thing anyone wants to hear is a lecture from someone like him who hasn't a drop of moral blood in his body.

  51. Dave T: Your 100 percent right Joe, it is a rag. Not worth the paper it's printed on. But what I want to know is how editorial opinion makes front page news? Talk about misleading. Real news is supposed to be on the front page of a newspaper, not peoples opinion. Looks like Daily rag is passing opinion as news? No wonder why nobody buys this garbage. Also got real news for you Daily Times, not everyone here sees things your way, including how Mr. Trump is perceived. Personally, I find it very offensive that a local newspaper continually is incapable of publishing legitimate news and instead centers itself around hearsay opinion while dodging real facts. You call that news? I call it trash. MAGA !

  52. 12:42 no one is jealous of that red faced and those horrid looking dentures he is sporting. There isn't enough money anyone could pay me to live in that house. I don't like living on top of people so close they can hear you burp. Not my idea of living only existing.
    And why is it you people confuse the truth with hate? No one is hating just telling the truth. The problem is you people can't stand hearing the truth. The truth burns you up. don't worry we have your number too. You are just jealous because you know the comments are true and you can't say one thing to defend. Yep we have your number-Loser.

  53. You peons need to sit down and shut up until you can accomplish something comparable on your own.Now!! Sit down and shut up!!! Do as you are damn told!!!

  54. They have their right to believe and say what they want too. If you work for them and are outraged, please feel free to exercise your right to quit.

  55. Palmer Gillis is living in that 5,000 Square foot home because of raping the Salisbury City taxpayers thanks to Barrie Tilghman, Jim Ireton, Jake Day



  56. "Conservatives don't need to act, do or say things out of hate."

    LOL that has GOT to be the biggest lie to ever come from your mouth. Have you been asleep at the wheel the last 10 yrs?

  57. He just mad because no one had this much admiration for Obama.

    They would like you to think that the majority don't like Trump but if you look past the propaganda news you will see just the opposite

    Another case of a minority class trying to force their way on the majority, trying to make themselves mainstream and relevant.

    You may have money but we've ultimately got the numbers.

    Finally something Palmer couldn't buy off and get his way with.


  58. Yeah, let's talk about that farmland at the end of the Salisbury bypass.....

  59. They get reduced fees on business transactions as well being the lil DIL works for Becker Morgan Group A/E Firm

  60. If they wanted a rainbow then they should have had one painted. What was done is so tacky and crass and so amateur looking. If they want to bring some class to Salisbury they have to have people come in who are of a better class of people to enlighten them on good taste.
    All they accomplished was to continue the "ghettofication" of "the bury."

  61. Support for the President is an unwelcome sight? Gillis, you speak for a tiny fraction of shore residents: the deranged radical fringe, not the majority.

  62. He looks like a crook con artist to me. He has spent a career as a defendant in one lawsuit or another and one after another. He doesn't have any business lecturing anyone with his record.

  63. I hope he didn't build his own house.... It's going to start falling apart very soon

  64. I predict the Festival will fail do to a lack of attendance and disruptive groups of liberals and gangs who will cause violence.

    Then again, I might just show up and wear my Trump, make America great again hat!

  65. So who is this palmer turd? Must not be too big of a fish, I've been here 70 some years and don't know him. Well if he is offended by our POTUS he must be for the nasty failed loser that President Donald John Trump sent for therapy. Therefore I don't want to know the left wing nut job. Seems like I would be offended around such a nobody.

  66. "The Daily Times refused to publish this article on line".

    Joe anyone can read the opinions on line - go to DelmarvaNow, . In the line of options, which starts with the word "Home" - there is an option "More". Click on "More" and then click on word "OPINION". There you will find Palmer Gillis' op ed on the Trump Flags. DT does not refuse to post.opinions on line. I read the Gillis editorial this about 6 AM (as I do every morning while drinking my coffe). The Gillis'.opinion is not worth getting in a rage over. We all have opinions/ My opinion is "Well La De Da,Palmer Gillis, you hate Trump and President Trump is my President". Being so sensitive to a Trump Ftag that you can no longer dine at a marina is your lost. Mr Gillis don't go to Crisfield because I I believe your ulcer will act up upon seeing that Trump Billboard, right next to the "Welcome to Crisfield" sign/ Joe you are getting yourself in an uproar over nothing, Your opinion will not change Gillis' opinion.. .

  67. Trump is your President like it or not

  68. Did Mr. Gillis use a "ghost writer"? I have known Palmer Gillis for years and have actually competed against him on construction bids. Of course I was alway successful. I knew he was very cozy with City officials, especially after having served on City Council. He definitely seemed to exploit this relationship in lieu of maintaining generally accepted integrity and principles. However, my perception of him was that he was a principled conservative......sure fooled me.
    Trump is the "Patton of Presidents". He is exactly what our Contry needs at this juncture of our history, if we expect our Nation to survive. Anyone with even a half of a brain, should realize this and be thankful for President Trump. Another great thing that Trump is doing, is exposing folks like Palmer, and that is a good thing. Bring on the Flags! I have started wearing my MAGA hat again, and I will definitely get a flag to put on my motorcycle. I may even ride by Palmer's house and say hello.

  69. Thank you, Joe, for all you do. My business has also been attacked on FB by the haters of you and the 1st Amendment. The ruling class elites along with the so-called social justice crowd don't like our 1st or 2nd Amendments to the Constitution of our representative Republic. Thank GOD the Founders knew better than to establish what they call "our democracy", also known as mob rule!

  70. MUST be nice being a hypocrite !% er and stealing from the Salisbury city/county tax payers i also hope the IRS does a Audit on your Corrupt A..

  71. So says the loser to all the deals that Palmer was able to get in Salisbury. Sour grapes much? WaWa, does he have a bigger house than yours? BTW, just how many houses does Joe have? In how many states? You sound like a first grader.

    1. I'm sure (my opinion) that Salisbury MD uses the lowest bidder. And then request more Change ordets later to get more money than the guy with the highest bid. Sound familiar.

  72. He's as corrupt as they get. Why the state hasn't investigated the city of salisbury and its bogus bidding awards is beyond me.

  73. Here is his comments from the times site. Seems to be backpedaling.

    Brian Judson
    I am only going to address 1 issue in this article. That’s is that you are requesting these people remove the flags because they make you uncomfortable and you are unable to digest your food because of the discomfort these flapping fabrics cause. So you are saying that if these flags are removed from your view your digestive track will return to Normal so that you may enjoy your meal. So essential you are covering your head with a blanket to protect yourself from the monster in the closet and that if you can’t see the monster it doesn’t exist. “Out of sight, out of mind” So, what I’m saying is that this entire article is a blow hard piece to make an attack on the yachts and their owners. If trump and his policies truly upset you to the point on not being able to eat you would have starved to death a long time ago. So essential this display of free speech upsets you merely because you don’t agree with it and that inability to respect another’s opinion and have a meaningful discussion is the cause of this divisiveness you speak of. #HTFU
    Like · Reply · 3h

    Palmer Gillis
    The point was that it is that this display is not achieving the goal intended. Our solution is avind those dining establishments. A lowering tide lowers all boats . When have you seen in you life the politicalization of marina like this? I love free speech as wll as free choice
    Like · Reply · 1h

    Brian Judson
    Palmer Gillis would you say the same for the NFL kneelers? Or does your own opinions, whether you agree with the players or not influence your opinion. Because to me there protest is exactly the same, it makes many people unable to digest pro football.

    And speaking for the yachts owners what is their desired goal?

    Palmer Gillis
    I agree with Trump about the NFL kneelers. I don't watch. The yacht owners desired goal is to promote Trump and that is their right. Our point was the unitended consequensce, call it collateral damage , that folks woh don't want to see while having a dinng experience wont go to those areas. The same logic, if you will , as the Conferdrate flags. I have no probelm with the Confederate flags myself, its history , but I see why many would. Is the intention of the Yacht owners to create that divisive environment and the business owners and their empoyess suffer as a result?

    Brian Judson
    Palmer Gillis I cant speak for those yacht owners But if I had to guess the majority of these flags are showing support for the law that trump signed protecting billfish from commercial sale in the USA which was convieniently timed with the WMO. Also those yachts are not there because of the marina. The marina is there because of the yachts and most likely any restaurant revenue lost because of these flags is irrelevant when compared to the money those boats bring in every summer.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 1h

  74. Trump 2020 from a closet because of you far left social wingnuts

  75. 12:42 pm Hmmmm Then why did you post as anonymous? Typical lefty

  76. 4:11 & Brian Judson, WOW! Thanks for sharing.

    4:06, Your a fool.

    1. I am writing to the IRS and FBI to Demand a Investigation into Gillis and the city of Salisbury council in the ILLEGAL bidding of contracts with Taxpayer Property.

    2. Especially when Joe Offered 10 x the amount for the Fire station.

      Joe get people down to city Hall an let's Protest.

    3. Their are alot of people in business in Fruitland MD that need to be investigated. Builders HoA financial policies. I feel all politics are crooked. Hard to prove
      Wish I could but the good boy can cover each other's asses.

  77. Awwwww the little man is offended. He's "uncomfortable." Then tell you what Gillis, trot your rank arse up to the Cape or the Hamptons or some other liberal bastion and don't let the door hit you in that rank arse on your way out. You just like your opinion will not be missed in Ocean City so put your money where your mouth is and get the hell out. No one wants a little man like you to be "uncomfortable."

  78. Perhaps he should move so he can rest in peace.

  79. Really is he saying he can't digest his food because of the flags. His families heads need to be dragging the ground in shame over what a liar their father/husband/uncle/cousin etc is. Talk about making a fool out of yourself.

  80. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  81. No way Salisbury would let Trump flags be put around for folk festival.

    1. Drive around with one on a Truck.

  82. 10:37 once they see this probably kill themselves.

  83. He's getting a well deserved public slap down on DT's FB. Watch the post disappear because he won't be able to handle it.
    From what I read the crooked government leech has no business speaking on behalf of Ocean City and Ocean City doesn't want him speaking on behalf of them. If he doesn't like it he needs to move!

  84. At close to 30 grand to go all in,just in entry fees for that tournament,not if he didn't eat somewhere harborside,his bill wouldn't be missed,,,I've seen bar tabs during the wmo that more than covered it...lmao
    Big Mike

  85. I can’t wait till trump cuts social security and medicare for you usless baby boomers

    1. You are jeaulous of people who worked 30 years or more and paid into a system that guaranteed a return on their investment. Like aUSSavings bond .But you wouldn't know what that is also. Social security and Medicare receipients receive less that individuals on welfare. You should know about that .Social security is not a hand out and neither is Medicare. You still pay for Medicare even after you retire. God Gelp you if you haven't planned for the future. It is scary.

  86. This man is a liar. He has no credibility. While the J1 visa students do pay taxes they can get every cent back if they file and they are all aware of this. Also he said they "leave without taking from the system." More lies from this liar. While I don't criticize them they most certainly do take from the system, in the form of local churches and other organizations feeding them for free and handing out items they may need. This is a huge endeavor and certainly does take away in the summer months from other outreach within the communities.
    Next time he plans on writing a book he needs to state facts and not tell lies in an attempt to promote his agenda. His family should be ashamed of the lies he's telling!

  87. You are a moron. I hope no one in your family is gay, because I wouldn't wish your hatred on anyone! You are in agreement with everything the guy in the White House has to say, and are ok with the fact that he has been married three times, paid off hookers just before the election and has sexual feelings for his own daughter. You are as sick and pathetic as he is! You will definitely have to answer to a higher power for your hatred.

    1. Who are we talking about BILL CLINTON ? ANTHONY WEINER....?

    2. 5:11 is totally wrong. Can he confirm his nasty comments. The country is making a great come back with a strong President. My proof of this is very evident fool.

  88. LOL everyone needs to go an read this. He is truly the epitome of an ignoramus. I can't believe any wife would sign her name to such BS. But we all know democrat women are nothing but slaves to men so that's why her name is on it. I hate to think any woman is so damn dumb. But I get it she has to obey him.

  89. I'm a little surprised Gillis hasn't come here personally to defend himself and his editorial. Surely he is not worried about using his real name on here since he published it in the daily slime.

    People have political differences and always will. But just jumping on the hate Trump bandwagon to whine about some flags people are displaying in support of OUR president?

    Ok, fine, he has that right. But I don't see any accomplishment or even know what his goal was other than to disparage Trump and the office he holds. Duly elected BTW.

    Maybe he's just another one of those seeking attention, who knows. But the same tactic is being used here that most of "that kind" uses. I disagree with you and you shouldn't be allowed to voice your opinion, show your support, (in this case in the form of a flag), or in any way shape or form not join us in our hate of the president.

    My suggestion to Mr. Gillis would be to dine elsewhere, don't look out the window, or open up his mind and allow people their differences.

    Did he really think these people would stop flying their flags? Or just another failed attempt at mockery?

  90. I see DT Facebook Page (Delmarva Now) at about 5 PM has 144 comments. I'd say from the displayed comments, the score is Trump Flag 140 - Gillis 4. Nice to see signed comments instead of Anonymous..

  91. Don't hate the player, hate the game!!! He is a successful player.

    1. He has ROBBED the taxpayers of MD through council CORRUPTION.

    2. Only God can judge that.

  92. Of course Palmer is entitled to his opinion. However, it has been said, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt". It appears that Palmer has removed all doubt!

  93. JOE

  94. I thought the Sunpaper bought the DT. Did Bernie Sander's wife take another bank loan out to DT alive? Does the DT even know Comey?

  95. I would love to see these flags in the Salisbury marina during folk fest. How can we make this happen? Oh and the boat docking event.

  96. Joe - ya gotta go to thegatewaypundit and read their article on this. She rips him a new one and drags up the fact that he is the zoning commissioner for oc.

  97. He is so full of crap. If he can't digest his food because many support President Trump then he is a bonafide mental case who needs an intervention to get the nut the help he needs.

  98. Well this moron finally let his ego get the best of him. I truly hope someone with any kind of pull or contacts can shed some light on his "success". I've tried personally to get the state to initiate an investigation into Salisbury's proof of this clown out bidding EVERYONE for 30 plus years now. Oh wait a minute I guess if you have the proper info beforehand life can get pretty cushy

  99. Palmer Gillis, his son Brad and the Gilkerson boys are all living off of the weak minded so called politicians who have sold them properties for pennies on the dollar. They live in a bubble, only associating with those who feed off the City. They now are working VERY hard to take over the County with Heath. They are doing all they can to undermine Culver, spreading things like Culver is threatening retaliation against different people.

    Like Palmer, that crowd and their groupies live in an alternate reality. They think they are special and that their way is the ONLY way. No wonder Palmer thinks his opinion matters. He only hangs with those who treat him like it does!

  100. Brian Judson you just exposed Palmer Gillis as the weak minded liberal that thrives on the vulnerable and inside ass kissing political friends of his type. His loyalty to the city and county is for his financial gain and it's ends there. I've met my share of "you kiss mine and I'll kiss yours" in my life but this man is the cream of the crop.

  101. Interesting how the Daily slime printed the photo so that the flags were backwards. On FB they keep touting it was a citizen opinion piece but hmmmm.... who chose the photo?

    1. A poor person couldn't afford that ad in the slime but a rich Liberal can and point his finger from his VIP area or off his waterfront deck ?.

  102. What was his point other then to make an ass out of himself. What compelled him to offer up his opinion on this matter other then a severe case of Trump Derange Syndrome and an uncontrollable urge to he himself in print. Did he think for one second he is so influential that people would read this and immediately take down their flags. This opinion piece will serve no other purpose then to embolden the President's supporters and Ocean City will fly more Trump flags.
    I truly think these people are really out of their minds.

  103. Palmer needs to get a Trump ICE Inspection so he can get out there and do some SLAVE LABOR like the people he hires.

  104. Palmer has perfected the parasitic approach to "living off government". His article is simply the payment of "insurance premiums" on his continued "parasitic government policy". I am sure he must be some what surprised at people's reaction to his remarks., and it must be painful for him to be confronted and exposed with the depth and breadth of the support for President Trump.

  105. I remember when this clown was first starting out. He like most, was a small business barely getting by. He literally bought his way to where he is today. When you have guaranteed work to pay the bills and sucking off any and all local political and city reps it's pretty easy to branch out and expand developing into a successful entity. Hey Palmer I'm talking about when you were running around market Street with the likes of Ms.Janet Wood on your arm looking all kinds is stupid the too. People like you don't impress me. It's people like you that if you ever have to come and play outside of your controlled environment turn into big bitches, LITERALLY. Your article pretty much proves that. To compare a trump flag to that of a confederate flag is just a bitch move

  106. Joe, Thank you for posting this,and all the hard work editing the comments. I'm not a betting person, but I'll bet my wife's paycheck that The Gateway Pundit article is posted on SbyNews tomorrow.

  107. 8:28, The fact that they published the images of his home AFTER we put them up clearly shows they got their info from SBYNews, yet they only mention local MSM articles. I'm not impressed.

  108. Trump is the man. Best president ever!

  109. Palmer,
    I think you will think twice next time before bashing on the people who allow you to build a waterfront estate.
    And then have the nerve to tell your neighbors to put away their wind chimes because Angie can't sleep.
    Eat some humble pie.


  111. Aaaaaw look at all the triggered snowflakes who can't just ignore someone using their 1st amendment rights. Bunch of precious fragile babies........

  112. He's not ever been honest or ethical evidently by reading comments and this is just proves the comments to be spot on. This especially is unethical and someone in Ocean City needs to file the proper complaint. To tell people to remove their Trump flags and that he is punishing businesses who have nothing to do with the boat owners support of President Trump is proof beyond anyone's doubt he is a dishonest unethical hateful person who needs to be immediately removed as a city official.
    It's not the flags that make Ocean City look bad it's unethical officials like Gillis.

  113. The crooked and corrupt like palmer gillis will not fair well with MAGA, the good ole boy system will crumble and the guilty will be prison bound. So to him and his ilk clearly...Trump, draining the swamp and decent Americans are not a welcoming prosperous sight.

  114. I'm a retiree on a limited income. Definitely not a one percenter. I agree with Palmer Gillis.

  115. Who are these freaks that have themselves so whipped up in a frenzy over Trump flags that they can't eat. LOL Just when you can't think they can get anymore ridiculous something like this comes along.
    If it takes me all day tomorrow I am forwarding this to ever conservative media outlet and commentator I can find online.

  116. i don’t mind political discourse, but Palmer just cost himself a big deal. Won’t do business with anyone who would write something like that editorial and then claim to be upstanding.


  117. 6:18 was accurate. Better to be silent than to confirm impressions.

    Hope Gillis' Obamacare will pay for having his upset tummy checked. They can shine a flashlight through his ears at the same time.

    He's against Trump flags flown by owners of big boats but is just fine with Confederate flags. When the prog mob hears about that he'll be in trouble.

    It's clear from his rant, and then his exchange on the Balt Sun, Jr. site, that amongst the Gillis clan Dobie was the one who got the brains and thought things through. (That's a nugget for the older readers).

  118. Trump is going to jail!!

  119. It is a really nice house.

    1. Paid for by Salisburys tax payers

  120. "Anonymous said...

    I can’t wait till trump cuts social security and medicare for you usless baby boomers

    August 29, 2018 at 4:55 PM"

    Can you people ever stop with the lies you get to telling? President Trump isn't going to cut SS or Medicare. Fact is under ghetto liar obama medicare payments have been going up for people because of obamacare. President Trump has accomplished more in less then 2 years then obama has his whole life. The only thing that ghetto garbage excelled at was telling them lies like the rest of you democrats. The only thing obama got right was bowing down to the Saudis. Ghetto boy knew his place as a black in the Muslim world where blacks are considered inferior to Arabs and only useful as slaves. Yep the ghetto boy knew his place.

  121. Clinton suicide body bags and her pay to play scheme concerns me much more than A Trump flag. I disagree with Palmer on the Trump flag at the marina and on gun control--100 %.I NEED A AK 47 BECAUSE THE GUY BREAKING IN MY HOUSE PROBABLY HAS ONE.. everyone should display their messages as they see fit. I for one can't stand the sight of Obama,the Clintons ,MANY IN THE FBI AND DOJ-but if you wish to defend this vermin -then go for it.THE VOTERS MADE THEIR CHOICE AND BELIEVE THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS WON-THANK GOD!!!!

  122. Palmer has worked harder than most and given Salisbury and OC more than most too. He deserves to be able to offer a well informed opinion . Kudos to him for his high standards for integrity and a good moral character in our leaders.

    1. Go back to your snoowflake basement.

    2. Terri Donoway BrownAugust 30, 2018 at 9:48 PM

      Wow, you are another anonymous keyboard warrior and ignorant fool. Man up. Show your name Braveheart.

  123. Anonymous My 2 ¢ said...
    I see DT Facebook Page (Delmarva Now) at about 5 PM has 144 comments. I'd say from the displayed comments, the score is Trump Flag 140 - Gillis 4. Nice to see signed comments instead of Anonymous..

    August 29, 2018 at 5:19 PM

    So your name is "My 2 ¢" ?

  124. Anonymous said...
    I would have written an editorial about the sweetheart deals Gillis has received at the expense of the city taxpayer but I know the Daily Slim would never publish it.

    August 29, 2018 at 11:23 AM

    Please post it here.


  125. Blogger JoeAlbero said...
    STOP sending in PERSONAL attacks. We are NOT Liberals. Conservatives don't need to act, do or say things out of hate. If you don't see your comment it's because you were out of line. Disagree, fine. Personal attacks, not going to happen.

    August 29, 2018 at 12:00 PM

    Really Joe?? So now you are defending this Piece of Shit?? After all the "personal attacks" he has done to us by raping us city taxpayers and stealing from everyone by buying property at pennies on the dollar? How do you think he got to move into that 5,000 square foot home?? He deserves everything he's got coming.

  126. Anonymous said...
    At least they had the courage to stand up and sign their names which is more than you jealous haters have the courage to do . And these comments are not personal attacks. Get to the subject and the facts, no matter how inconvenient they may be
    Hate on you angry people !

    August 29, 2018 at 12:42 PM

    I noticed your gay a$$ didn't sign your name. PUSS!

  127. There are plenty of wealthy democrats. Use google, I'm tired of doing your research. It doesn't matter which political party you belong to on here, if you are wealthy or successful, you are a target and everyone has an theory of how you cheated, stole, lied, or screwed someone to get there. The average reader/poster here is a lower middle class hourly employee that has contempt for their boss/business owner. Typical eastern shore mentality. Hey Joe, what's your net worth? You claim to be wealthy.

  128. 2:33 AM And you exemplify the typical Eastern Shore employer mentality and obvious disdain for your employees.

    How dare they wish for a job making a livable wage while watching you build your empire off their backs.

  129. Meanwhile there are plenty of rooms available in Salisbury for the folked festival weekend.

  130. Okay , now you have had your fun.
    Lets replace all of those flags with OBAMA flags.
    Now pretend that you can be objective and tell me how you feel

    1. How ru going to buy the boat ? EBT cards don't work.

  131. "Debbie Cole said...

    Palmer has worked harder than most and given Salisbury and OC more than most too. He deserves to be able to offer a well informed opinion . Kudos to him for his high standards for integrity and a good moral character in our leaders.

    August 30, 2018 at 12:11 AM"

    You are joking right? Either joking or lying. Far far far from "well informed." Name one thing he has given to Salisbury or Ocean City. And if you think people who lied their way through that "opinion" piece have "integrity and a good moral character" then YOU are to be pitied for your own complete lack of any morals and integrity. Any children you may have are to be pitied to have such a mother that is so low she defends a liar. Shame on you woman. The only thing you people are proving with your lame attempt at defending is that whoever raised you was trash lacking in morals themselves. It's generational with you people going back decades not.

    1. Terri Donoway BrownAugust 30, 2018 at 9:51 PM

      Probably the same idiot bashing my deceased grandparents. Hey is your KKK hood ironed and pressed yet? Redneck much?

  132. It's already been said but I too think his big problem since he is in the construction business is he's going to have to pay better wages because of President Trump's policies.
    I know for a fact hotels in Ocean City were turning away Americans mostly black ones applying for jobs in favor of J1 students because they don't have to match SS and other taxes.
    It's concerning and very sad he is more worried about foreigners feelings (not that I have found what he says to be at all the truth about them) then the livelihood of Americans.

  133. Many of the J1 visa students are from the Balkans and other south eastern and eastern European countries. Most I have found admire President Trump and wish their own leaders were more like him.
    If in fact Mr Gillis did (and I don't believe he did) engage any in a politician discussion they were only telling him what they thought he wanted to hear to avoid a confrontation.

  134. One more thing I have a lot of dealings with Hispanics and they are telling me hotels elsewhere that don't have the influx of foreign students to work such as in Lancaster PA area and other areas are having to pay housekeeping staff $15 and up to keep and get experienced people on the job.

  135. 7:55 - I would not like it. But it would not keep me from eating at a restaurant. And I do not have near the money 1%ter Gillis has and I certainly would not have written and editorial like he did. See - what people like you don't get is conservatives get it! We did not like 0bama and he committed crimes but we moved on and did not dwell on the negative like you do! So move on you little troll!!

  136. Laura Benedict Sileo of the DT will not post your opinions (letters to the editor) unless they are like hers. She and her husband both are far leftist Trump haters.

  137. Someone out there has dirt on this puke, Gillis. Hope they come forward.

  138. Terri im proud to be a redneck hillbilly. At least i can say im honest and have not caused harm on another person. Can Palmer honestly say that? How many people has he hurt and screwed over to get to where he is? He is a crook that has screwed over the tax payers out of land that he should have paid a fair price for. He has NO shame and you defend him sounds like youre just as bad. Go get back under your rock. i will remind you. If you are Democrat then you are responsible for the KKK. Democrats are the reason for the rise of the KKK and Jim Crow. So is your cloak ironed and pressed? How much do you support planned parenthood which is responsible for killing thousands of black babies every year? go get your cloak ironed, they are calling you to your meeting.

  139. Mr. 9:20
    Please tell me who I have screwed. If you are going to make an accusation like that at least please explain. Just because I lived in mobile home,put myself thru college, succeed and move to a nice house I did not get there thru screwing people like the President. Please tell me who has been screwed? Lever your name please


    1. As you want someone to explain the things that you've done wrong pending the accusations, please explain in factual detail what you say Trump has done wrong... you can't accuse somebody without the facts, if you don't like to be accused yourself without the facts. That is serious hypocrisy if I've ever seen it.. please explain what you know to be facts and not what you've heard on the liberal news media.

    2. I don't know you. But your sad up bring does not impress me. That does not entitled you to brag how great you are doing. Some how you had money for college. Or did taxpayers take care of it. Your attitude leaves an adjustment. Don't be so self centered with your success. You owe someone - that's how it works. Right

  140. Just as i thought ...crickets

  141. So who is providing the Trump 2020 flags for Bike Week and how do we obtain?

  142. Proudly posted on Facebook.

    Mayor Jake Day thank you for the photo op with me and your endorsement.

    Julie Brewington is eating dinner with Jacob Day at Market Street Inn Restaurant & Pub. 15 hrs · Salisbury, MD ·

    Nice seeing Mr. Mayor out tonight!

  143. The people on the post that accuse Palmer of hurting or screwing people should take a closer and appreciative view of the Gillis Family. If you or your family friends or loved ones have ever visited PRMC, Atlantic General, been touched by the terrible disease cancer you may want to open your hearts by giving thanks to Palmer .... Or if you enjoyed an outing at the Freeman stage, welcomed the Arts to our area gone to OC Art League, again give some kudos to the Gillis family. If you appreciate the value of historical OC and the promotion of local businesses, thank a Gillis. If you have known someone that worked with Capital Enterprises again give thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Gillis. Thank you Palmer and Sandy for all your love to the area. Beth Evans Truitt

  144. Whelp Palmer, you have managed to get me on the blog, I am still reeling from your opinion article in The Daily Times! As are many! Not sure what you thought the upside to it would be?? I certainly would have thought at your age having worked and lived on the Eastern Shore your whole life you would have known there would be “Blow Back”! First of all, did you think for one moment how this might affect your family, your business partners, your employees? Your entitled to your opinion like everyone else but you should have keep them to yourself!! I think this is going to cost you in ways you don’t even know yet! We were at Sunset and surrounding restaurants like ever year during the tournament and business was robus to say the least! I digested my food just fine! Humility...You don’t know the meaning of the word!! You have benefited greatly from Salisbury and surrounding areas! Remember Palmer, Trumps a HUGE Veteran supporter! We all know you want the foreign workers and why. I’m sure we will see you next month in the “Metropolitan”, because you never miss an opportunity! Oh, and the Bikers are coming soon aren’t they! I’m sure you will be seeing a lot more flags!! MAGA P.S. Those “rich folks yachts” are also flying the American Flag as we are!

  145. I posted on WMDT website my disagreement for the crosswalks. I was hit with several emails saying how rude I am, how I should keep my comments to myself, and my argument for representing POW's, Christians, or state flag on crosswalks did not make sense. Go to WMDT, search rainbow, and show your comments. Not one has come back after I shut each argument down with a simple sentence! It is very easy to counterpoint idiots!

  146. If that is truly you Mr. Gilliss your constant emphasis on "proof" of screwin" someone over is in my opinion screaming volumes that your quite discontent with some past business endeavors. A man of your supposed stature and place in two different communities shouldn't even warrant a response to a rebuttal. The proof is however how you literally cornered the city of Salisbury construction award bids for 30 years now. The ONLY people that could prove that ethics were violated would be yourself, tilghman, Dunn, Ireton and now dufus Day. We all know either of those people won't come forward and by all means a successful business man like yourself covered your ass. Your as opaque as a window now and we all know where your headed with Day, Heath and Cannon. Do I dislike you for taking advantage of the opportunity, NO!! What I do dislike is your using the words character, integrity and trying to strike your conscience by harping about your philanthropy to the community. There's a tremendous character flaw there. So whatever helps you sleep at night knowing you're about to attempt to totally screw wicomico county residents along with the city by merely bought and paid for relationships.

  147. 9:39 Sorry to burst your bubble but good people do not raise such lying, insulting, condescending children. It's also very brave to tell you like it is which is the truth instead of what you want to hear. Now if it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy to think they were wonderful people then by all means it's your right to feel that way. But the asinine opinion he wrote tells the real story of the type of people you all are and what you came from and wonderful they were not. I know you people hate hearing the truth and that is one of your major difficulties and another example of your poor upbringing.

  148. Here's from last Friday's Ocean City Today. I don't know if it was in the print edition but online it appears to have been removed but still can be found in Google cache.


  149. Need to ride 100 loud Harley’s past his oc house and give him a trump parade at 2 am with flags flying!

  150. Stop grandstanding Gillis ! Sit down , shut up and eat your food.

  151. 9:19 Said it all with one sentence-

    "We all know you want the foreign workers and why"

    This says it all and explains why these people are so consumed with anger. They are the epitome of ALL that is wrong in the country. They want a steady stream of immigrant workers willing ready and able to work for slave wages. They don't want employees to have to compete for jobs. This would force them to raise wages and offer benefits something they do not want to do. Just the thought of this has made them into very angry people who couldn't control their anger anymore so lashed out at the boat owners and those who support President Trump.
    Just because they give to hospitals, the arts, the community does not make them good people. In their case it means nothing since it is coming off the backs of workers and the tax payers who supplement them.
    They should really be ashamed to even boast how generous they are but I can see there are some, their defenders who are clueless and haven't figured out how they roll.

  152. What do Fruitland businesses have to do with this?

  153. Imagine if Hillary won ? He would be out there on his waterfront home flying Hillary flags in front of us poor people....(

  154. Beth Truitt. Ive been to PRMC many times. I dont recall either of the Gillis's paying either of my bills so tell me again of how he helps us by going to Atlantic General or PRMC? PRMC was around long before Gillis and will be long after him. You got nothing.


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