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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Man hangs Trump re-election banner at Disney's Magic Kingdom

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A man visiting Disney's Magic Kingdom on Sunday decided to make a political statement by hanging a banner promoting the re-election of President Donald Trump.

The large banner appeared above the entryway to the train station on Main Street, U.S.A. and read, "Re-Elect Donald J. Trump. Keep America Great. 2020."

A video posted to Facebook shows guests watching from below. Some cheered while others booed.



  1. is that the same company that wants to let illegals in the country freely, but won't let people in for free at their theme parks?
    thought so!

  2. He should be arrested for this!

  3. Staunch Conservative and huge Disney fan, here.

    C'mon, This is inappropriate. If we are going to be outraged at Kaepernick kneeling during the National anthem, we cannot be doing the same thing- protesting and grandstanding at entertainment venues is dumb, and counterproductive.

    1. Don't think we have stopped Kaepernick yet? Can't lick them then join them. What do you got to lose. Oh that's Trump's words! MAGA

  4. The mindset of a good business acumen is dominant with the Red Waving Flags.

    Don't let Disney's soft heartedness, where wishes and dreams come true environment fool anyone. They love a buck just like any business!!!!

    They, like everyone else today are smiling all the way to the bank!


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