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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

VERIFY: Yes, $266 million was redirected from medical research to pay for unaccompanied minors

We can verify, yes, HHS is redirecting money ​from within the agency to fund custody and care of unaccompanied minors detained at the border.

Verify viewer Tony Jordan from Burtonsville, Maryland asked the Verify team to fact-check an article circulating online.

The Yahoo News article claimed that the Department of Health and Human Services was redirecting money from cancer research and an HIV/AIDs program to unaccompanied minors detained at the border.

Verify researchers went straight to the source for answers.

According to a Health and Human Services spokesperson, on September 5th Secretary Alex Azar notified Congress their plan to reallocate $266 million to their Unaccompanied minor program.

Under the Homeland Security Act of 2002, Congress transferred the care and custody to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, an office within Health and Human Services

According to an HHS spokesperson, $80 million of the $226 million came from other refugee programs with ORR,because " Fewer refugees have entered the U.S. than projected at the time of the FY 2018 appropriation bill’s enactment, these resources would not have been used for refugee services in FY 2018."

The remaining $186 million was reallocated from across HHS, including $15.8 million from Health Resources and Services Administration which handles health care support, health centers, AIDS/HIV support and research.



  1. This is a perfect example of the House and Senate abrogating their authority to un-elected civil servants with no accountability to the voters.

    This is how the turd found the money to pay off Iran...maybe Trump should invoke this method to get his wall!

  2. We need lock-box legislation so money transfers cannot happen. That is money that was voted on to secure the need of that particular legislation. Having the means to transfer it to some other "notable" need should not be allowed. It promotes a means of getting an individuals attention in the news to show the pols have a heart. Please, if it is that worthy of funding, pass legislation on its own merits, rather than stealing from Paul. Logically it is easier to steal from what coffers exist than to the their real job of protecting all legal citizens. No wonder funded budgets keep going higher once this starts. Roll over budgets don't work either, Careful review of continuing budgeted items has to be done to evaluate the need and the money available.

  3. There is no way 20 to 30 million illegal immigrants could be anything but a boon for us and immeasurably improve our lives. This is the fault of Democrats and Republicans in the pocket of corporations. Raise hell or suck it up. Democrat or Republican, devided we fall. Demand E- verify compliance. Get big business out of government. The supreme courts decision to allow unlimited campaign funds by corporations is a knife to We the People!

  4. That has to hit the gay community in the stomach. Taking away money from AIDS/HIV research to spend on illegals.

  5. That should hit ALL taxpayers in the gut.

    THINK about what $226 million would have done for AMERICAN children.

    Have I ever mentioned hanging these low-life scoundrels?
    Keep cheering!!


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