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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Kavanaugh Breaks Silence: "I'm Not Going Anywhere...I Was Never At Any Such Party"

Breaking his public silence for first time since the hearings last month, Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, appeared alongside his wife, on Fox News Channel's "The Story with Martha MacCallum" tonight to address the sexual misconduct allegations that have put his confirmation at risk of unraveling.

As we detailed earlier, Brett Kavanaugh defied his accusers on Monday when he said, in a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), that he will "not be intimidated into withdrawing" his Supreme Court nomination and staunchly denied the accusations, calling them a "grotesque and obvious character assassination" and "a coordinated effort" to drive him out on the nomination.

Ahead of tonight's interview, President Trump tweeted about the interview and reiterated that "this is an outstanding family who must be treated fairly!"



  1. Morally corrupt people judging this man. What a joke.

  2. Yes he is.....he's going back to whatever hole he crawled out of! He's a sexual predator. Period!

  3. How is it this is all you see and hear, when nobody knows nothing. I don't listen to the crap because I analyze it very simple. I have a choice of believing a man with a perfectly clean slate making it to a nominee to the supreme court, or I can believe a woman that doesn't know what, when and where but knows who (lol). This same woman is a pussy hat card carrying member (nut jobs) that actively attend and protest our president from a nasty rally. I can make that decision fast, pray for the good judge.

  4. 513-Every witness the accuser has named says otherwise.


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