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Monday, September 24, 2018


TWO MILE LONG LINE for Trump Rally in Springfield, Missouri!

Hawley: Missouri Rally So Big We Had to Turn Away 20,000 Trump Supporters


  1. And the stupid brain dead sissy democrats think they have a snowball's chance to defeat Trump.
    He's going to destroy whichever democrat is going to throw themselves on their sword for the next presidential election.
    ALL of them are talking big smack, but secretly wishing "PLEASE DON'T PICK ME!!!".
    hillary couldn't even fill a church. He fills STADIUMS.

    On a side note: buys guns and lots and lots of ammo -- they ain't going to take another deadly ace-whippin' without a fight.

  2. Back in 2016 they had to go and round up and pay people to show up at a Hillary rally.

  3. Yeah, just like they are rounding up women to testify against Judge Kavanaugh and trying to ruin a good man.

  4. Of course all accounts from the left state the conservatives are in trouble and there are more democrats than republicans. Not all democrats are stupid; who in their right mind would want to revert back to no jobs, lower wages, high unemployment, stiff regulations, and no hope for the future?

  5. And some idiots are telling us that his popularity is dwindling. Lies, all of it just democratic lies. They say it hoping people will believe it. Wait till 2020. Their butts will really hurt then.


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