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Monday, September 24, 2018

Perkins: ‘Pray’ and ‘Vote’ for the ‘Sake of America’

Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Center and FRC Action, said on Friday at the opening of the 2018 Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC, that people should exercise their faith at the ballot box.

“For the sake of America, will you pray?” Perkins said. “Will you pray for this mid-term election? Will you pray for our leaders?”

Perkins’ remarks set the tone for the largest gathering of social conservatives in the country by focusing on the importance of having one’s faith motivate them to vote in the midterm elections.

“Ladies and gentlemen, you are here for the sake of America,” Perkins said. “And there are those who will criticize us that we’re nationalistic because we want to restore America to a position of strength.”

“Well let me say, ladies and gentlemen, that we need not apologize,” Perkins said. “For those critics who may be quick to label us and this event as a dog whistle to American nationalism; others may say now, using that famous phrase, ‘What difference does it make?’”

“Let me say it makes a world of difference,” Perkins said. “To pray for, to vote for, and to stand for a strong America is not a self-serving endeavor.”



  1. Well, I for one am praying. We need to have a strong military to be global peace keepers, we need secure borders to have a strong and thriving society, we need a conservative agenda to attain and preserve prosperity through productivity, we need conservative initiatives to improve the plight of the inner cities to help them find respect and bring an end to senseless violence and crime, and we need conservative oversight on the trade negotiations to help balance the global economy. Yes, I am praying...fervently.

  2. Pray... for what specifically?

    If God has a plan, how can prayer change that?

    If God is all knowing, he knows the future... how will prayer change that?

    Haven't people been praying for these things all along? So, how did we not "stay a position of strength"? Did the prayer not work?

    Pray to "restore America to a Position of Strength"... what specifically does that mean? What does that look like?

    I have a great distrust for these religious nationalists... I doubt their intentions.

  3. Pray... for what specifically?

    If God has a plan, how can prayer change that?

    If God is all knowing, he knows the future... how will prayer change that?

    Haven't people been praying for these things all along? So, how did we not "stay a position of strength"? Did the prayer not work?

    Pray to "restore America to a Position of Strength"... what specifically does that mean? What does that look like?

    I have a great distrust for these religious nationalists... I doubt their intentions.


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