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Monday, September 24, 2018

Haley Excluded from Refugee Reduction Meeting for Pro-Immigration Views

United Nations (U.N.) Ambassador Nikki Haley was excluded from a White House meeting on the number of refugees the United States will admit next year due to her pro-immigration views.

According to sources who spoke with NBC News, President Trump’s senior adviser Stephen Miller set up a meeting to discuss where the administration would set the refugee resettlement cap for next year. Ultimately, as Breitbart News reported, Trump reduced the refugee cap to 30,000 total admissions, which is solely a cap, not a target for the administration to reach.

Haley, the sources said, was specifically excluded from the meeting on the refugee resettlement program because of her known pro-immigration viewpoints. Defense Secretary James Mattis and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo argued against reducing the inflow of refugees, despite Trump’s long-held promise to cut immigration to the country.

While visiting India in July, Haley said America was founded as a “nation of immigrants” with “multiple cultures” and “multiple populations,” calling the multicultural worldview the “fabric of America.”


[Question: What impact do the concepts of 'MULTI-culturalism' and 'DI-versity' have on assimilation? Are they compatible? --Editor]

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